
《爐石傳說》總監Ben Brode突然宣佈離職暴雪

《爐石傳說》總監Ben Brode突然宣佈從暴雪離職, 他向全球爐石玩家發表了一封公開信, 信中他表示“在暴雪工作15年, 爐石專案10年後, 我做出了一個非常艱難的決定——是時候開啟一段新的旅程了。 ”他還向所有玩家表達了感謝, 離職暴雪後他計畫創建一家新公司, 繼續從事遊戲行業。

Brode說他對《爐石傳說》感到非常自豪, “我認為我們轟動了整個產業”。 未來Brode計畫參與創建一家新公司, 可能還會開發遊戲, 但一切還是都是未知數。


To my friends, coworkers, and the Legendary Hearthstone community,

致 親愛的朋友們、同事們及傳說級的爐石社區:

After 15 years at Blizzard and almost 10 years working on Hearthstone, I have made the incredibly difficult decision to embark on a new journey.

在暴雪工作15年, 爐石專案10年後, 我做出了一個非常艱難的決定——是時候開啟一段新的旅程了。

Man, that was a hard sentence to type.


I was 20 years old when I started here. My first role was ‘Night Crew Game Tester.’

遙想當年, 我還是個二十出頭的小夥子。 我的第一份職責是“夜班遊戲測試員”。

Since then, Blizzard has been good to me. I got to cast esports events, announce BlizzCons, play in Rock Bands, write raps, and work with incredible people. But the biggest opportunity came in 2008 when I joined “Team 5.” The Hearthstone Team.

自從那時起, 暴雪就對我一直很好。 我主持過電競賽事,

宣佈過暴雪嘉年華, 玩過搖滾樂隊, 寫過饒舌歌曲, 還跟非常棒的人一起共事。 接著幸運女神在2008年眷顧了我, 自此我正式加入了《爐石傳說》的開發團隊——T5。

I am very proud of Hearthstone. I think we made an impact on the industry. People tell me that Hearthstone brought their family closer together, or that they became close friends with people they met at a Fireside Gathering. Others tell me they were inspired by Hearthstone to become game developers themselves. It’s incredible to be a part of something that touches so many people.

我為《爐石傳說》感到驕傲, 我認為我們轟動了整個產業。 有人跟我說《爐石傳說》讓他們的家庭關係變得更緊密, 也有人通過線下的爐邊聚會交到很多好友, 還有人說他們受到《爐石傳說》的啟發, 並立志成為一名遊戲設計師。 能接觸和感染到這麼多人, 這感覺棒極了!

But as proud as I am of Hearthstone, I am even more proud of the team.

不過相較于《爐石傳說》這款遊戲, 我更為我們的開發團隊感到驕傲。

There is no team like the Hearthstone team. People have come and gone over the 10 years Hearthstone has been in development, but there’s something special about the Soul of the Team. We knew our most important product wasn’t the game, but the team itself. A great team can do great things, and I think the Hearthstone team is the greatest. It isn’t just a job. It’s a shared passion. We get to come to work and focus on the game we love and try to make it better every day.

《爐石傳說》的開發團隊是如此的與眾不同。 雖然在這十年間有過不少人員變動, 但整個團隊的靈魂始終如一。 我們深知最最重要的產品不是這款遊戲,

而是我們團隊本身。 一個偉大的團隊可以成就偉大的事業, 而爐石團隊就是其中的佼佼者。 這不只是一份工作, 更是承載著所有人激情與夢想的舞臺。 我們全身心地投入到工作中, 用我們的專注和愛讓《爐石傳說》變得更好。

We frequently check the Hearthstone subreddit looking for opportunities to improve the game. I have loved the silly memes, engaging in spirited debates, or even just being held accountable to our shared high standards for the game. We try to be highly available on social media, and I think our team helped push the envelope in this regard. It has been especially satisfying to me to see the team step up over the last few years and help engage in these ways as I became more focused on direction and less on actual design.

我們經常在Reddit上關注爐石版塊, 收集能幫助改善遊戲體驗的回饋。 我很愛那些無厘頭的梗, 直擊靈魂的討論, 乃至對我們所分享的關於遊戲設計的內容表示負責。 我們努力向社區媒體敞開懷抱, 我們的團隊在這一點上也在不斷挑戰自我的極限。 特別是近幾年來, 看到團隊成員從幕後走上台前和玩家交流, 讓我感到由衷的欣慰。 也使得我可以減少實際的設計工作, 從而更加專注于《爐石傳說》的整體發展方向。

I get too much credit by virtue of being a public face, but the 80+ people on the development team are still there, and they are the ones actually making the cards, brawls, events, missions, and features. I am confident the game is in the best possible hands, and I’m excited to see where a new generation of leaders takes Hearthstone from here.

由於經常出現在公眾視野裡, 我收穫了很多讚譽。 但實際上我們的開發團隊有八十多號人, 他們才是製作出那些卡牌、亂鬥、活動、任務和遊戲功能的幕後英雄。 我對他們非常有信心, 我也很期待看到新一代的領導團隊將把《爐石傳說》帶向何方。

I am very fortunate to be able to take a crazy risk right now in my life, and I’m excited to be scrappy and a little scared. I’m going to help start a new company. We’ll probably make games, but we haven’t figured anything else out, yet. I’m looking forward to designing, programming, and actually creating things again. I’m going to miss the on-campus Starbucks, though. Dang.

我很慶倖在我的生涯裡能有如此瘋狂的冒險, 對此我感到既興奮又恐懼。 我即將參與創立一家新的公司, 我們可能會開發遊戲, 但現在一切都還是未知數。 我很期待再一次做策劃, 寫代碼, 並加入到實際的創作中去。 不過, 我還是會懷念總部食堂的星巴克的。 >_

Blizzard, thank you for taking a chance on me, and thank you for taking a chance on Hearthstone. I can't wait to see what you do next.

暴雪, 感謝你給了我這個機會, 感謝你讓我參與到《爐石傳說》的製作, 我已經迫不及待想要看你續寫接下來的傳奇了。

And to the passionate community of players – I will miss you, and the laughs we shared together. Thank you for making being a part of Hearthstone so much fun for me. I've loved every minute.

另外致我們熱情的社區玩家——我會想念你們的, 我會想念我們一起開懷大笑的日子。 感謝你們作為《爐石傳說》的一份子所貢獻出的一切努力, 我很享受其中的每一分, 每一秒。



Ben Brode

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