


前面跟大家分享了各種“棒極了”的英文表達, 今天我們就和Kate Woodford一起, 繼續梳理分享“糟糕極了”的各種表達。

1)We’ll start with some very frequent words that can be used to describe most things that are very bad, (‘bad’ in this case meaning generally ‘unpleasant or causing difficulties’). The adjectives awful, dreadful, terrible and appalling are all commonly used for saying that something is very unpleasant(bad用來表示總體而言令人不快或令人為難的, 而awful、dreadful、terrible和appalling則表示非常糟糕或令人不快或可怕的):

The weather was absolutely awful. (天氣真是糟透了。 )

I’ve had a dreadful cold. (我感冒非常嚴重。 )

We had a terrible time. (我們過得很糟心。 )

The way they treated her was just appalling. (他們對待她的方式真是太可怕了。 )

2)There are some even stronger words too that are used to describe things generally that are extremely bad. The adjectives atrocious and horrendous are both used to emphasize how terrible something is(這兩個詞的程度還要更大, 表示“糟透了;惡劣的”):

The roads in the capital are absolutely atrocious. (首都的道路交通一塌糊塗。 )

In the prison itself, conditions were horrendous. (監獄本身的環境條件差得離譜。 )

3)Other adjectives also mean ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’ but often with the slightly more specific meaning of ‘of bad quality’. The adjective poor is one of these(低劣的, 主要指品質上較差):

The acting was pretty poor. (表演很拙劣。 )

We complained about the poor service. (我們投訴了低劣的服務。 )

4)In British English, the slightly informal word shocking is also used to mean ‘of very bad quality’(駭人聽聞的, 表示品質極差):

The standard of some of the writing is frankly shocking. (坦白說, 有些作品的水準差得令人難以置信。 )

5)Likewise, the words second-rate(二流的) and, (worse), third-rate(三流的) are used to complain about bad quality:

a second-rate actor (二流的演員)

a third-rate football team (三流的球隊)

新概念英語(2)(教材解析)(2)教材解析 廖懷寶 主編;廖懷寶 叢書總主編 外語-實用英語 同濟大學出版社 暢銷書新概念英語2教材解析 ¥25.2 領3元券

6)The slightly formal word substandard is used for criticising something such as a product or service that is below the usual or necessary standard(不合規格的;不夠標準的):

There were complaints about substandard housing. (有人投訴不合標準的住房條件。 )

7)A very common noun used with the meaning of ‘something of poor quality’ is rubbish(垃圾、劣質的東西, 是個名詞):

Think of all the rubbish that you see on TV these days. (想想你最近在電視上看到的那些垃圾節目。 )

新概念英語(1)(同步練習)(1)同步練習 江先發 主編;廖懷寶 叢書總主編 外語-實用英語 同濟大學出版社 暢銷書新概念英語1同步練習 ¥18.2 領3元券

8)Meanwhile, the phrase leave a lot to be desired also expresses dissatisfaction with poor quality. Something that leaves a lot to be desired is much worse in quality than you would like(還有很多有待改進這處):

I’m afraid their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. (恐怕他們的客服還有諸多有待改進的地方。)

9)Again, there are stronger words for describing things that are of bad quality. The adjectives abysmal and (informal) diabolical both emphasize that something is of extremely poor quality(兩者都表示“極壞的”,語氣較為強烈。注意diabolical較為口語化):

The food was abysmal. (食物簡直糟糕透頂。)

Maria’s driving is absolutely diabolical! (瑪利亞的車開得糟糕極了。)


8)Meanwhile, the phrase leave a lot to be desired also expresses dissatisfaction with poor quality. Something that leaves a lot to be desired is much worse in quality than you would like(還有很多有待改進這處):

I’m afraid their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. (恐怕他們的客服還有諸多有待改進的地方。)

9)Again, there are stronger words for describing things that are of bad quality. The adjectives abysmal and (informal) diabolical both emphasize that something is of extremely poor quality(兩者都表示“極壞的”,語氣較為強烈。注意diabolical較為口語化):

The food was abysmal. (食物簡直糟糕透頂。)

Maria’s driving is absolutely diabolical! (瑪利亞的車開得糟糕極了。)

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