

週五, “腦洞英語”和你見面啦!

5個身材迷你的雙語短篇小新聞, 配合漫畫, 一眼掃盡本周身邊新鮮事~




乘客寥寥無幾。 來自市城市交通運輸管理處的資訊, 全市除往來兩大機場的1條守航夜宵線外, 還有39條夜宵線, 其中20條由上海火車站、上海南站等大型客運樞紐周邊始發。

"There are almost no passengers anymore on many night buses."

Some night buses in Shanghai carry no passengers at night anymore, Shanghai Observer reported Wednesday. According to the municipal transportation authorities, apart from the night bus between Shanghai's two airports, there are 39 other night bus routes across the city. Among them, 20 bus routes depart from the city's transportation hubs such as Shanghai Railway Station and Shanghai South Railway Station.


“很明顯是有人對我的停車位置不滿。 ”

近日, 家住普陀區雙山路一社區的邱女士反映,

有人將她的車牌先折後拆。 社區物業工作人員表示雙山社區為老小區, 只有主幹道有監控, 很多車位都處於監控覆蓋不到的位置, 對於邱女士遭遇, 他們也毫無對策。 邱女士呼籲, 希望政府能夠儘早完善老小區的監控設備。

"Obviously someone is dissatisfied with the location of my parking."

A woman surnamed Qiu who lives in Shuangshan compound of Putuo district complained that her license plate was purposely damaged by someone. Residential property management said that this compound is old and lacks electronic surveillance, so they are unable to track down the vandal. Qiu hopes that the local government will improve the security technology of older communities in the city, Xinmin Evening News reported Monday.


“我在這裡用掉了很多錢, 我這次去想向老闆借些錢, 如果借不到就一死了之, 順便把彩票機也燒掉......”

近日, 浦東新區法院以放火罪一審判處一個41歲的老彩民有期徒刑四年。 這個男子姓徐, 沉迷買彩票六七年了, 他自稱先後花費了600多萬元。 2017年10月31日, 徐某向體彩站經營者借錢遭拒, 用打火機點燃體彩終端機, 致使體彩終端機被燒毀, 該體彩終端機價值1794元。 起火後, 火勢被及時撲滅。

"I spent a lot of money at this lottery kiosk, so if I couldn't borrow money there, I would end all my troubles by burning down the lottery machine."

A 41-year-old local lottery ticket buyer was sentenced to prison for four years for arson by Pudong New Area People's Court, Shanghai Morning Post reported Tuesday. The unemployed man, surnamed Xu, claimed to have spent over 6 million yuan on lottery tickets since 2010. He set fire to a lottery ticket kiosk on October 31, 2017, after his request to borrow money from the stand owner was declined. The fire was put out in time and no one was injured, though a ticket machine worth 1,794 yuan ($284.24) was destroyed.


“將閱讀與馬拉松結合, 會產生獨特的化學反應。 ”

上週六, 六十五名上海青少年參加了上海兒童圖書館推出的長達六小時的“閱讀馬拉松”比賽, 迎接今年4月23日的世界讀書日的到來。 比賽當天, 每位參賽選手統一收到一冊從未公開發行的紙質新書, 在連續閱讀之後轉入網上答題。

"The combination of reading and marathons will generate a unique chemical reaction."

Sixty-five local teenagers competed in a six-hour long reading marathon at Shanghai Children's Library Saturday to welcome this year's World Book and Copyright Day which fell on April 23, Wenhui Daily reported. Each participant of the contest received a new book that had never been published before; they were required to answer related questions online after reading.



上海市環保局透露, 根據2017年上海市空氣品質指數(AQI)顯示, 2017年, 上海市PM2.5年均濃度為39微克/立方米。 上海市環保局局長壽子琪介紹, 2017年的優良天數比2013年增加了34天, 讓全體市民多呼吸了一個多月的優良空氣。 日均濃度達到重度污染的天數只出現了2天, 比2013年足足減少了21天。

“More than three-fourths of the year was air pollution-free!”

Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau revealed that the average density of PM2.5 in 2017 was only 39 micrograms per cubic meter, according to the Shanghai Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI) in 2017. Compared with 2013, Shanghai residents enjoyed 34 additional days without heavy air pollution in 2017, Shou Ziqi, director of Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau, told media. Only two days in 2017 were heavily polluted, 21 days less than in 2013.

漫畫:Chen Xia

翻譯:Du Qiongfang/ Zhou Xinyu






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