

What psychological tricks and hacks are useful to know?瞭解什麼心理學的小竅門很有用?

獲得381.4k好評的回答@Dhara Sonawane:

●If someone gives you an unsatisfactory answer to a question, stay quiet and keep eye contact and they’ll usually feel pressured to keep talking and reveal more.●如果有人對某個問題的回答你不滿意, 你不要說話, 保持眼神接觸, 他們通常就能感受到你施加的壓力, 會繼續說下去, 並多表達出一些想法。

●If you feel someone is looking at you, try yawning and look around. If they yawn, you know they were looking at you.●如果你感覺某個人正在看你, 你可以打個哈欠, 看過去, 如果那個人也打哈欠, 你就知道的確是在看你了。

●The best moments of the life, don't make it to social media.●生活中最美好的時刻不要發到社交媒體上。

●If you want your friend to carry something, just keep talking to them while handing them the bag. Most people will automatically take the bag without thinking.●如果你想讓朋友拿東西, 把包遞過去時一直跟他們說話, 大部分人會想都不想自動把包接過去。

●Have a makeover after end of relationship. And show off the new you.●結束一段戀情後要改頭換面, 展現出全新的你。

●Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to help you grow.-Caroline Myss.●總要選擇你最怕的選項,

那才是真正有助於你成長的。 -Caroline Myss

●Pretending not to care is the habit of someone who generally cares the most.●通常最在乎的人習慣假裝不在乎。

●The truth will never be more painful than discovering a lie.●發現謊言永遠比真相更令人痛心。

●Writing down negative thoughts and tossing them in a trash can is a psychological trick to improve your mood.●寫下消極的想法, 然後扔進垃圾桶, 這是改善心情的心理學小竅門。

●Being unable to get someone off your mind indicates that you are also on that person's mind.●不能把某個人清除出你的思想表明你也在那個人心上。

●Intelligent people tend to have less friends than the average person. The smarter you are, the more selective you become.●智慧的人會比普通人朋友少, 你越聰明, 就越挑剔。

●If someone can’t cry, he/she is weak.●不會哭的都是弱者。

●Your favorite song is probably favorite because you associate with an emotional event of your life.●某一首歌能成為你的最愛可能是因為你把它和你生活中某個情緒事件聯繫起來了。

●The person on your mind while you're unable to sleep is usually the person responsible for your happiness, pain.●失眠時想到的人通常控制著你的快樂、痛苦。

●You appear more attractive to the other person when you make them smile or laugh.●你讓別人微笑或大笑時會更有魅力。

●Women are likely to ask questions to things that they already know answers to. Be honest.●女性可能會問她們已經知道答案的問題, 所以你要誠實。

●The two most effective treatments for battling depression are exercise and spending time with the pets.●戰勝憂愁的兩個最有效方法是鍛煉和與寵物為伴。

●When your mood goes from happy to sad, most of the time; it’s because you're missing someone.●情緒從喜變憂時, 大多數情況下都是因為你在思念某個人。

●The reason reverse psychology works, it because people don't like being told what to do.●逆反心理學很有效是因為人們都不喜歡別人告訴他們該做什麼。

●When person cries and the first drop comes out of the right eye, its Happiness. Left eyes is pain. But both indicate frustration.●人們哭的時候, 如果第一滴眼淚從右眼掉出來, 那就是幸福的眼淚, 左眼流出第一滴淚就是痛苦的眼淚, 兩邊一起流說明受挫了。


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