

奧斯卡影后娜塔莉·波特曼應邀出席母校哈佛大學2015年畢業典禮動員會, 並發表了20分鐘的演講, 娜塔莉以“Make Your Inexperience An Asset”作為當天演講主題。 她于2003年從哈佛大學心理系畢業, 是好萊塢為數不多的高學歷演員。


在演講中, 她談到了自己大學時的黑暗時期, 以及拍攝電影時所遇到的挫折和挑戰, 並鼓勵畢業生把缺乏經驗當做財富, 找到自己人生的理由, 開創美好的未來。

Key Points

#1 But I am here to tell you today.Harvard is giving you all diplomas tomorrow. You are here for a reason. Sometimes your insecurities and your inexperience may lead you, too, to embrace other people’s expectations, standards, or values. But you can harness that inexperience to carve out your own path, one that is free of the burden of knowing how things are supposed to be, a path that is defined by its own particular set of reasons.

不過今天我在這裡是要告訴你們, 哈佛明天就要給你們畢業證書了, 你們到這裡是有原因的。 有時你的不自信和無經驗也會導致你去接受別人的期待、標準或價值,

但你們要知道, 無經驗可以造就你們自己的路, 一條沒有“事情本應怎樣做”之負擔的路, 一條由你自己的理由來定義的路。

#2 I realized that seriousness for seriousness’s sake was its own kind of trophy, and a dubious one, a pose I sought to counter some half-imagined argument about who I was.

我發現, 為了嚴肅而嚴肅, 這本身就是一種虛榮, 是一種模棱兩可, 是為了反抗我想像出的自我而採取的一種姿態。

#3 And the joy and work ethic and virtuosity we bring to the particular can impart a singular type of enjoyment to those we give to and of course, ourselves.

做某事時的快樂、敬業和爐火純青, 可以給我們服務的物件帶來一種特定的享受, 當然也讓我們自己得到享受。

#4Make use of the fact that you don't doubt yourself too much right now. As we get older, we get more realistic, and that includes about our own abilities — or lack thereof. And that realism does us no favors.

要好好利用你如今不是那麼懷疑自己這件事, 隨著年齡增長, 我們變得更加現實, 這包括對我們自己能力和缺陷的認知, 而這種現實對我們沒有好處。

#5Your inexperience is an asset, and will allow you to think in original and unconventional way. Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset.

你的無經驗是種財富, 能讓你有原創和跳出常規的點子。 接受你知識上的匱乏, 把它當成財富來用。

#6 Getting out of your own concerns and caring about some else’s life for a while, remind you that you are not the central of the universe.

跳出你自己的事, 偶爾關心一下他人的生活, 這會提醒你, 你不是宇宙的中心。

#7 Grab the good people around you. Don't let them go. The biggest asset this school offers you is a group of peers that will be both your family and your school for life.

抓緊你身邊的好人, 別讓他們跑掉, 這所學校能給你們的最大財富, 就是一群將來會成為你一輩子的家人, 也是良師益友的同學。

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