

對於長期奮戰在工作崗位和學習崗位的人來說, 假期真的是給了我們一個喘息的時間。 很多人都選擇在這個期間出去旅遊, 但不管你是出國游還是境內游, 有些安全常識一定要清楚, 這樣才能真正意義上度過舒心的假期~

1. Register at your country’s embassy.


If it’s possible, do it right after your arrival. Embassy officers will record your data and contact you or your relatives in case of an emergency. Each foreign affairs ministry has a website where contact details are listed.

如果可能的話, 請在抵達後立即去本國大使館。 使館官員會記錄下你的資料, 並在緊急情況下與你或你的親屬聯繫。 每個外交部都有一個網站, 上面列出了具體的聯繫方式。

2. Insure your belongings.


Always keep in mind that your expensive laptop, phone, or camera can be very attractive for thieves. That’s why it’s better to insure your devices before you go somewhere: if you lose them or they fall in the ocean, your insurance company will compensate you for the damage.

記住, 小偷非常可能會對你昂貴的筆記型電腦, 手機或相機下手。 這就是為什麼在你去某地旅遊之前最好為你的這些裝備投保:如果你把它們弄丟了或者它們掉到了海裡, 保險公司就會賠償你的損失。

3. Put your valuables in a safe.


If you’re not sure that the safe in your room is good, keep all your valuables in the hotel’s safe. But don’t forget to get a receipt to get your belongings back. You can also ask the manager about the damage compensation in the case of a loss.

如果你不確定房間內的保險箱是否安全, 請將所有貴重物品存放在酒店的保險箱內。 但不要忘記索要收據以便取回你的物品。 如果物品丟失, 你可以向經理索求損害賠償。

4. Save your relatives’ and your local embassy’s phone numbers in your smartphone.


Write down all necessary phone numbers as well as your e-mail in the official language of the country you’re visiting. Additionally, you can screenshot these and use it as your phone’s wallpaper so someone can see the numbers even if your phone is locked.

用你所在國家的官方語言寫下所有必要的電話號碼和你的電子郵件。 此外你可以將其截圖並用作手機的壁紙, 這樣即使你的手機鎖住了, 別人也能看到這些重要資訊。

5. Don’t drink alcohol with strangers.


An opportunity to meet new people while drinking in a bar seems like fun, but your night can end up very bad. The least terrible thing that might happen is that you lose your money and other personal items.

在酒吧喝酒能夠認識新朋友, 這件事看起來很有趣, 但最終你可能不會度過一個愉快的夜晚。 可能發生的最不可怕的事情是你的錢和其他個人物品被偷。

6. Ask the locals about possible dangers.


Before venturing out, you have to know where you shouldn’t go, even during the day. And locals (as well as various internet travel forums) may be very useful because they know different, interesting routes and the country’s features.

探險旅遊之前, 你必須知道即使是在白天你也不能去的地方。 當地人(以及各種互聯網旅遊論壇)可能會提供非常有用的資訊, 因為他們知道不同且有趣的路線以及該地區的特點。

7. Dress and behave as a local.


Thieves are very attentive and they can always recognize a foreign tourist in a crowd. Of course it’s impossible to protect yourself completely, but if you look like a local, the risk is way lower.

小偷很細心, 他們總是能夠在人群中認出外鄉人。 當然, 你不可能“全副武裝”百分之百保護自己, 但如果你看起來像本地人, “受傷”風險就會降低。

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