
「賽事預測」托特納姆熱刺 VS 沃特福德

托特納姆熱刺 VS 沃特福德

30/04/2018 英超聯賽

托特納姆熱刺 -2 [信心度 7/10]

熱刺渴望以第二名的成績結束本賽季, 看似夢想實現的可能性並不大,

不過在這樣一個特定時間裡, 實現起來卻並不如想像般困難, 托特納姆熱刺暫時名列第四, 少賽1場, 球隊理論上還能再得12分, 而他們的直接競爭對手都因為其他賽事而無心顧及國內聯賽。

曼聯目前排名第二位, 高出托特納姆熱刺6分, 儘管如此, 曼聯的表現並不完美, 球隊已經將足總杯決賽當做當前的第一要務。 而排名第三的利物浦則是很有機會打入歐冠聯賽決賽, 球隊的重心自然也在歐冠比賽上。

聯賽還剩最後四輪的情況下, 托特納姆熱刺是積分榜靠前的四支球隊中唯一一支渴望勝利的球隊, 他們在本賽季的表現也明顯強於沃特福德, 客隊近6輪聯賽只贏下1場, 現在已經無欲無求。

Tottenham - Watford

30th/April 20:00 BST Premier League

Tottenham -2 [Confidence 信心度 7/10]

The Spurs have dreamed to finish the season in the second place and actually, the dream seems on paper unlikely to happen, however, it is not that difficult to believe in this particular time, due to Tottenham sits 4th with a game in hand, 12 points left awaiting to collected and finding their direct opponents more involved in other competitions.

Manchester United is holding the second place, six points over Tottenham, nonetheless, Man. United does not convince at all with their performances and they are a big chance in the final of lifting the FA Cup that will be their main priority. Apart from that, Liverpool, who is placed third, they are very close to playing the final of UEFA Champions League, also they are more focused on that competition.

Tottenham is the only one on the top 4 with high expectations and hungry for victory in these last four matches left, indeed Tottenham has shown along the season that they are a fantastic side much better than Watford, who has nothing to play for and they have not collected a single victory in the last six league meetings.

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