
我沒有你灑脫 愛與恨都能隨口一說

I don't have you free and easy, love and hate can be said with ease. 我沒有你灑脫 愛與恨都能隨口一說

Sometimes a madman gives up a fool just for a liar. 有時候一個瘋子放棄一個傻子只為了一個騙子。

I can't be a good person, I can't be a bad person, I just want to be your sweetheart. 做不了好人, 做不了壞人, 只想做你的心上人。

The most uncomfortable feeling is not to be a stranger,but a gradually unfamiliar attitude. 最難受的感覺不是成為陌生人, 而是逐漸陌生的態度。

To love you with a whole youth is the most extravagant thing I have ever done. 用整段青春去愛你, 是我做過最奢侈的事。

The most beautiful spring I've ever seen.It was the April that you went through the crowd to find me. 我見過的最美的春天, 是你穿過人群找到我的那個四月。

To walk into a person's heart is to climb mountains in her life. 想要走進一個人的心 總得在她的生活裡翻山越嶺

Some of the stories.It's good to end up with you. 有些故事詞不達意, 好在最後是你。

We will never understand the children of the firewood, become the old master of the world. 我們都會從不懂柴米油鹽的毛孩子, 變成人情世故的老掌櫃。

The world of noise,things complicated,thank you have you. 世界喧鬧 世事複雜 謝謝有你

The world of noise,things complicated,thank you have you. 世界喧鬧 世事複雜 謝謝有你

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