


★London architecture

• London has many bad buildings. When I walked on the streets, I found the streets are ugly and terrible. These bad buildings affected hundreds of people living around them. But if you ask an architect why these buildings are so bad? They will answer: Beauty is in the eyes of beholders.

• 之後提到了美國三藩市

• 說他去了倫敦, 看到很多街道和建築都很醜, 這些建築都有幾百年的 negative impacts。 人們走路心情也會被影響, frustration and anger , 然後問建築師不能造beautiful building嗎?建築師說beauty is an arrogant(不確定)word , 然後說可以去瞭解為什麼 bad buildings 出了問題, 哪裡出了問題。

★Children’s depression

• 補充材料:The topic taken into consideration is children's depression, back to 16th century. There are following studies to find out what happened to children with depression, which increases the risks of life, such as diabetes and heart disease. To scientist interest, it is very different as they though before, also the medicine.

Children's depression is still a puzzle needs to be resolved. The topic taken into consideration is children's depression, back to 16th century. There are following studies to find out what happened to children with depression, which increases the risks of life, such as diabetes and heart disease. To scientist interest, it is very different as they though before, also the medicine. Children's depression is still a puzzle needs to be resolved.

• In the past, children rarely have depression. A research showed a dramatic increase in children depression, which change the way people think about children depression. Now, no one doubt about children depression. The study shows children with depression behave differently and respond differently to medical treatment.


• sst 也遇到一個新的, 一個中氣十足的老爺爺講 lecture 的節選:

• 1.說這些 conclusions 都是 decline。

• 2.而且這些 conclusions 是 well-documented 和 real 的, 因為有 strong evidence support 的, 而且有且只有這一個(only one)。

• 3.然後說 declines 的 drivers are varied depending on the species。

• 4.There Could be a Huge Loss (there is a possibility )

• 5.but the positive thing is that ppl aware of this and take some actions before fixing it.

• 補充回憶: decline of xxx(說的第一個詞 很模糊 讀音很像 we 我寫的 whale 是一種species)但是 positive side 是 people aware of the problem and take actions. 總體講得很慢 就是沒聽清是什麼 decline

• 補充回憶:it declines, documents are the only evidence, it occurs in various species, it results in huge loss and maybe will have catastrophe, the positive thing is people began to be aware of it and are taking actions to fix it.

★Faults 和earthquake 的關係

★Body fat change

• 講一個關於 body fat change 的加拿大研究,

說一群肥胖的女人參加一個項目, 然後有 diet and exercise, 說 6 個月後 body fat change

★ The definition of risk

• 一個老師說當我們用 risk 這個詞的情形有哪些, 然後又講了字典中 risk 的各種解釋。 我們最常使用 take a risk, 但 a risk 代表什麼呢?然後說 risk 可以分為 challenge 和 chance。 又比較了 safe 和 safety 的含義, safety 是 safe 的一種 condition。

• 第一點, risk 的定義在字典裡非常字面化, which means a possibility of danger.

• 第二點, 這包括了兩部分含義:the consequence of danger 和 the chance of being danger.

• 第三點, 也提到了 safe 的定義, 是沒有可能受到傷害和損失。


• 關於 happiness 的一個 survey, 這個 survey follow 某一個pattern, 這個 survey 有large sample 在 regions, countries, 甚至worldwide, 然後她提到 happiness 取決於一些 basic things, 說了大概 4-5 個, 然後她又說到 happiness 還取決於其他 factors, 比如說 environment.

★Good quality of history

• Good quality of history, 就說了一些 rules 關於怎麼判定是好的 quality, 比如說 logic, style, writings, 最後他說這些 rules 對 academic and journal papers 也很重要

• Qualities of a good history and a journal. They are similar. 都 需 要 resources 和evidence, attention of logic and writing, 最 後 說 there is no clear line between them.

★Wildlife in Africa

• 回憶 1:講這裡的人很 poverty, 他們以 Fish 為食物, 因此魚對他們很重要, 他們的Income 也是通過魚來獲得,

有旅遊者也過來, 貌似是能吃魚或欣賞魚。

• 回憶 2:提到 wildlife 在非洲不同地區的變化 主要講 source of fish, 我們考慮 fish 要先考慮 ocean 講了 poverty, habitats, source of fish 變成 Africa income 第一, 也變成foreign economies 第一。

• 回憶 3:Fishing industry in Africa 1.The residents in Africa suffer from poverty and they live on fish. 2.Fish is the major food source and the major source of protein. 3.Fishing is also their source of income because fishing industry attracts tourists from. 4.over the world, which can effectively help the economy.

• 回憶 4:The lecture demonstrated a research regarding to the relationship between food and income in Africa. Their main livelihood is wildlife, especially fish which can provide high protein. Although most of people grow fish, they are suffering poverty since (原因沒記來).Therefore, their income is closely associated to food.

★Big Bang 理 論

• 講 Big Bang 理論, speaker 說這個發現很 amazing,文中穿插了很多 billion 年份, 有一個 13 billion, 文中說 宇宙始於大爆炸不是很確切, 之後宇宙不是固定的。 文中提到了cosmology, 前幾天 Hawking 的事出現過這個詞

• 說宇宙有 50th billion years, 新發現的星星沒有比以前找到的的星星老很多, 最後是研究了star bank 差不多 40 年。

★Softest product

• 一個廣告, 說一個 softest product, 但是又 strong . 滿足 Smart consumer 的需求, 人只需要幾秒鐘就決定要不要買。 又說了 fundamental engineering contradict. 開始以為是個洗衣機, 但是最後一句話是 You don’t want it to be separated when you put it in the washing machine.

• 1.consumers are extremely smart in choosing product, brand image, … is essential for business to create value

• Consumers are smart, consumer values are important for business. 還講了個什麼brand, we are best into products, 文章重複了很多次 soft, engineering, wet. 最後一句是 you do not shake before....in washing machine.

★Human rights in UK

• During the second world war, UK government was the first one 去幹嘛幹嘛的

• later in 1958, more freedom

• tourism or trade or voting。 最後說什麼 basis 還是 basic line


• 一個什麼在 19xx 年,

另一個在 1840 年, 但是都 were not worded(不確定是不是worded), 直到 french revolution。 然後開始講 political left and political right. Right means aggressive while left represents conserving elements of the old.

• political left and right, left aggressive, right conserve to the old regime , after the French revolution

• Socialism 起源於 1880s, communism 起源於 1840s, 直到 French Revolution 後才成為意識形態, left 和 right 這兩個 political word 就來源於法國革命是 national assembly 的會 議 , left 指 left side of the speaker podium, right 指 right side of the speaker podium.

★Implicit and explicit memory

主要講 Differences of memories. 形成了 people’s behavior, Procedure of memory , 又說了 Using Language naturally, reading and riding are automatically, try to describe, conscious, 最後一句話是 consist a lot of highly personal memories.

★Why the Australian housing is so expensive


• 教授講如何寫作的, 說幾個要素很重要, 比如說 logistical, interesting and clear writing are factors lead to a good quality of academic witting.

★Bad architecture

•新的是講關於 bad architecture has serious impact, but hard to determine what's beautiful because the beauty is in the eye of the beholder, 什麼需要看書知道 why and when it does or does not.


•Genes 不僅像我們以前說的那樣可以決定 physical features, 比如人的 height, hair 等;最近我們發現也可以決定我們的 psychological features, 比如我們的行為。 我們的基因研究這樣就給生物學, 心理學和 neuro science 神經科學提供了有趣的資訊。


•industrialization, 會增加產量, outcomes, 然後解釋這個產量增加對社會帶來的好處, 最後 說 outcomes and incomes should be equal.

• (開頭這塊沒有聽太清楚)發達國家很早就建立了民主的思想, 但是工業革命造成了嚴重汙 染, 所以實際上那時候人們的 living standard 是下降了的,

後來法律法規被執行, 減少了這些 damage, 所以現在的人們在環境方面實際上比以前的人獲益更多。


•講 description 的, 符號語言和肢體語言。 用了 電腦, 翼龍, 還有人作為例子。 篇幅很短, 不到一分鐘, 不難, 但是這幾個關鍵單詞要會寫。

★Epidemic transmitting

• United states 怎麼 prevent epidemic transmitting. 說了一些 antiviral drugs 什麼的 最後說 developing countries 在這方面很沒有美國做的好 lack of resource 將會是一個 big challenge.

★Global problem

• sst 有一道記得比較清楚是我們學習 science 是為了解決 global problem, 現在非常需要解決的是水淨化, 雖然我們能買瓶裝水, 有 tap water, 但是仍需要解決。

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