

Superstars can earn more than ever thanks to the latest collective bargaining agreement. But NBA players and owners are quickly finding out that the new arrangement isn't all that it was billed to be.

因為最新版勞資協議, 超級巨星能拿到前所未有的高薪。 但NBA球員和老闆很快發現, 新協議和最初設想的有些不同。

Imagine someone told you one year ago that Blake Griffin would be on the Pistons, Chris Paul would be on the Rockets, Jimmy Butler would be on the Timberwolves, DeMarcus Cousins would be on the Pelicans, Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward would be on the Celtics, and Paul George and Carmelo Anthony would be on the Thunder.


佈雷克·格裡芬在活塞, 克裡斯·保羅在火箭, 吉米·巴特勒在森林狼, 德馬庫斯·考辛斯在鵜鶘, 凱裡·歐文和戈登·海沃德在凱爾特人, 保羅·喬治和卡梅洛·安東尼在雷霆。

Have so many All-NBA-caliber players ever changed teams in a single calendar year? The transaction log has been on fire since Kevin Durant joined the Warriors in the summer of 2016. But it's not just the formation of a superteam in Golden State that's shaken up the league. A new collective bargaining agreement and the cap boom two summers ago have created an abnormally active atmosphere. Some NBA executives don't think the changes are going away, and that they could have major repercussions moving forward.

NBA最佳陣容級別的球員在過去一年裡發生這麼多變動?自從凱文·杜蘭特2016年夏天加入勇士, 聯盟的變化就沒有停止過。 但改變聯盟格局的, 並非只是金州勇士。 兩年前, 全新的勞資協定及薪金空間造就了反常的活躍氛圍。 一些NBA高管不認為改變已經停止, 而這些改變會給未來造成大影響。

There were rumblings in 2014 that LeBron James would push for the removal of the max contract, a position that stars like Durant and Kobe Bryant supported. It's true that the league's superstars don't make as much as they probably should, but such a drastic shift would have opened the door for a single player to earn more money than every other player on his team combined, like when Michael Jordan made $33.1 million in the 1997-98 season. The NBA instituted the max contract the year after Jordan's big payday, and it has remained since.

2014年時有傳言稱, 勒布朗·詹姆斯會推動非常頂薪合同, 這個態度得到了杜蘭特和科比這些明星的支持。 聯盟超級巨星沒有得到理應得到的回報, 這是事實,

但上述極端的改動會導致出現一名球員的薪金比全隊剩餘球員薪金總和還要多的情況, 比如1997-98賽季拿到3310萬美元的邁克爾·喬丹。 喬丹拿到大合同的一年後, NBA設立了頂薪合同, 並沿用至今。

Instead of abolishing the max altogether, the players' union wound up negotiating other changes, including a new set of possible max contracts. A free agent or designated rookie could now earn up to 25 percent of the cap, designated rookies or veterans could now earn up to 30 percent if they hit certain criteria, and superstar players that hit certain qualifications are eligible for the designated veteran player extension, or the "supermax," which can be up to 35 percent of the cap but can only be given by the team that drafted the player. The latter two were similar in the previous CBA, while the supermax is a brand-new creation.

與其徹底廢除頂薪合同, 球員工會選擇協商其他變化, 包括一系列新的頂薪合同。 自由球員或指定新秀的薪金可以占到工資帽的25%;如果達到特定標準, 指定新秀和老將的資金可以占到工資帽的30%;達到特定標準的超級巨星可以選擇指定老將續約條款, 也就是所謂"超級頂薪"。 他們可以佔據工資帽的35%, 但只有選下了這名球員的球隊才能開出這種合同。 後兩者與之前勞資協議的規定類似, 而超級頂薪則是全新的創造。

But the new menu of max offerings isn't exactly working as intended. The whole point of these changes, from the owners' POV, was to help teams keep star players by giving them greater financial incentive to stay, thus preventing another scenario like Durant going to the Warriors. But totally deserving candidates, like Paul George and Gordon Hayward, didn't meet the qualifications for the supermax; George would've wanted out anyway, and Hayward walked even with Utah offering an extra year of financial security. The Kings didn't want to pay Cousins more than $200 million, so they traded him. And Griffin, at "only" 30 percent of the cap, was an injury and financial risk the Clippers weren't willing to take.


站在球隊老闆的角度, 這些改變的目標是通過提供更多的留隊經濟激勵幫助球隊留下明星球員, 避免出現杜蘭特加入勇士的情況。 但是, 那些完全配得上大合同的候選者, 比如保羅·喬治和戈登·海沃德卻不符合超級頂薪的條件。 喬治無論如何也要離開印第安那, 而爵士即便能提供多一年的經濟保障也沒能留住海沃德。 國王不願意給考辛斯開出超過2億美元的薪水, 而是選擇了交易。 而格裡芬, 儘管“只占空間的30%”, 卻成了快船不願冒險的傷病和經濟負擔。

Players can earn way more money than ever before from the team that drafted them. But that doesn't mean owners will want to spend it, nor that players will want to take it. The biggest issue, however, is that signing such deals has made it it tremendously difficult to build a title-contending team around that player.

球員可以從選下自己的球隊那裡掙到過去從未有過的高薪。 但這並不等於球隊老闆願意掏錢, 也不意味著球員願意接受。 可最大的問題在於, 簽下這種合同會讓圍繞這名球員搭建爭冠球隊變得無比困難。

Griffin's situation is the perfect example. Multiple front-office executives told me that though the Griffin blockbuster sent shockwaves through the NBA, Clippers consultant Jerry West was ready to reconfigure the roster back in the summer once he knew Paul was a goner. Steve Ballmer just wasn't ready to pull the plug. But even after the Clippers made several notable hires in the front office, West has the owner's ear. As time passed and Griffin got injured again, Ballmer came to agree with West that paying an injury-prone player $171 million over five years, including $39 million when he's 32, wasn't in their best interest.

格裡芬的情況就是最好的例子。 多名高管告訴我, 儘管格裡芬的大交易震驚了聯盟, 但夏天得知保羅一定會離開後, 快船顧問傑裡·韋斯特就做好了重新調配陣容的準備。

只是斯蒂夫·鮑默還沒下定決心。 即便快船聘請了多名高管, 但韋斯特的意見仍然能直達老闆。 隨著時間推移, 格裡芬再次受傷, 鮑默最終同意韋斯特的意見, 也就是說, 給一個容易受傷的球員五年1.71億美元, 而且在他32歲時要支付3900萬美元的年薪, 這對球隊沒有好處。

So they made the smart decision, dealt Griffin, and are in the process of exploring other moves to clear a path for a new direction, such as trading center DeAndre Jordan rather than re-signing him. A big-market team took a long view and opted to create asset and financial flexibility, while a mid-market team thought short-term and took an enormous risk. Even Pistons coach Stan Van Gundy noted the dangers of acquiring the injury-prone four-time All-NBA player, but he has to gamble to make the playoffs and put butts in the empty seats at Detroit's new downtown arena.

他們做出了聰明的選擇呃, 交易了格裡芬, 目前正在探討確定球隊新方向的其他選擇, 比如交易中鋒德安德列·喬丹, 而不是和他續約。 一支大市場球隊從長遠打算, 選擇創造資產和財政靈活度, 中等市場球隊從短期考慮, 接下了一個巨大的風險。 連活塞主教練斯坦·范甘迪都注意到了交易容易受傷的四屆全明星球員的風險, 但他必須為球隊進入季後賽, 為了讓活塞位於市中心的新球館坐滿觀眾而做出賭博。

The Wizards may encounter a similar issue with John Wall, who will make $169 million over four years starting in 2019-20, including a whopping $46.9 million when he's 31 years old. Wall, despite his obvious talent, has already missed two extended periods this season because of an injured left knee this season and is a low-efficiency half-court scorer whose success relies heavily on his athleticism.


Even if he never misses a game, Wall could take up so much cap that the Wizards will have little to no flexibility to make other transactions. With the supermax offer on the table early last offseason, Wall remarked that the team was "one piece away," essentially calling for the team to replace Otto Porter Jr. with Paul George. Easier said than done. Past mistakes, like signing Ian Mahinmi for $64 million, led to a lack of financial flexibility. The Nets signed Porter to a max-contract offer sheet and the Wizards had no other option but to sign it, just as they did when it came to inking Wall to the supermax.


Wall's new deal doesn't even kick in until the 2019-20 season. But adding capable role players or another star will be problematic when his contract continues to rise by at least 7 percent each season as the cap continues to level off.


The lucrative new TV deals the NBA signed created a huge influx in cash, which meant more for player salaries. But the players voted against "smoothing" (i.e., a steady climb in teams' available cap space) in favor of one large spike. As a result, the cap took a historic jump, from $70 million in 2015-16 to $94.1 million in 2016-17. It has since leveled off. The cap this season is $99 million. Next season, it's projected to rise to just $101 million.


If Jason Smith and Jodie Meeks exercise their player options for next season, the Wizards will already be on the hook for $124.8 million. That puts them well over the projected cap and almost $2 million into the luxury tax before they fill out the back end of their roster. The tax has become the silent killer in the NBA, and not just for teams still trying to build a winner. It significantly limited the Heat's ability to retool at the end of the Big Three era, and it's doing the same to the Cavaliers. Maybe someday it'll be the undoing of the Warriors. And those teams won titles. If an owner is paying a huge tax bill for a roster that can't escape the second round of the playoffs, there's even more reason to explore other options.


The growing concern over max deals has created a ripple effect heading into the trade deadline. Execs and agents I spoke to believe it explains the rise in trade chatter involving stars. Teams are more regularly gauging the value of their own centerpieces, and other teams are making more calls knowing they'll listen. It's why we're hearing reports about Aaron Gordon and Kemba Walker being available.

對頂薪日益加重的擔憂,在臨近交易截止日起到了連鎖反應。和我交流的高 管及經紀人相信,這是涉及球星交易流言增多的原因。球隊開始越來越多地評估自身核心球員的價值,其他球隊也會更多地諮詢,因為他們知道對方願意傾聽。這就是我們聽到有關阿隆·戈登和肯巴·沃克被擺上貨架消息的原因。

With few teams expected to have cap room, players will have less leverage to demand big-money deals. As one exec put it to me: Whereas recent deals looked like massive overpays, contracts this summer will look like bargains. If teams are smart and only the truly special players are given max money, then there's an opportunity to recalibrate what players are worth.


That could mean a reckoning for the upper-middle-class contract, like the $17 million annually the Magic are shelling out to both Biyombo and Evan Fournier, because there's simply not a lot of free cap space to spend on them. To sign players of this quality, teams might instead use the non-taxpayer midlevel exception, which is currently worth $8.4 million and will near $10 million in the coming years. Or they'll re-sign such players using Bird rights.


This summer could end up setting a new precedent for what a player is worth—though it may only be temporary. We might be right back where we started once all the bad contracts are off the books and teams have new cap space to burn. That's when we'll learn which franchises have learned from their mistakes, and which are stuck in a never-ending cycle of bad decisions.



The Wizards may encounter a similar issue with John Wall, who will make $169 million over four years starting in 2019-20, including a whopping $46.9 million when he's 31 years old. Wall, despite his obvious talent, has already missed two extended periods this season because of an injured left knee this season and is a low-efficiency half-court scorer whose success relies heavily on his athleticism.


Even if he never misses a game, Wall could take up so much cap that the Wizards will have little to no flexibility to make other transactions. With the supermax offer on the table early last offseason, Wall remarked that the team was "one piece away," essentially calling for the team to replace Otto Porter Jr. with Paul George. Easier said than done. Past mistakes, like signing Ian Mahinmi for $64 million, led to a lack of financial flexibility. The Nets signed Porter to a max-contract offer sheet and the Wizards had no other option but to sign it, just as they did when it came to inking Wall to the supermax.


Wall's new deal doesn't even kick in until the 2019-20 season. But adding capable role players or another star will be problematic when his contract continues to rise by at least 7 percent each season as the cap continues to level off.


The lucrative new TV deals the NBA signed created a huge influx in cash, which meant more for player salaries. But the players voted against "smoothing" (i.e., a steady climb in teams' available cap space) in favor of one large spike. As a result, the cap took a historic jump, from $70 million in 2015-16 to $94.1 million in 2016-17. It has since leveled off. The cap this season is $99 million. Next season, it's projected to rise to just $101 million.


If Jason Smith and Jodie Meeks exercise their player options for next season, the Wizards will already be on the hook for $124.8 million. That puts them well over the projected cap and almost $2 million into the luxury tax before they fill out the back end of their roster. The tax has become the silent killer in the NBA, and not just for teams still trying to build a winner. It significantly limited the Heat's ability to retool at the end of the Big Three era, and it's doing the same to the Cavaliers. Maybe someday it'll be the undoing of the Warriors. And those teams won titles. If an owner is paying a huge tax bill for a roster that can't escape the second round of the playoffs, there's even more reason to explore other options.


The growing concern over max deals has created a ripple effect heading into the trade deadline. Execs and agents I spoke to believe it explains the rise in trade chatter involving stars. Teams are more regularly gauging the value of their own centerpieces, and other teams are making more calls knowing they'll listen. It's why we're hearing reports about Aaron Gordon and Kemba Walker being available.

對頂薪日益加重的擔憂,在臨近交易截止日起到了連鎖反應。和我交流的高 管及經紀人相信,這是涉及球星交易流言增多的原因。球隊開始越來越多地評估自身核心球員的價值,其他球隊也會更多地諮詢,因為他們知道對方願意傾聽。這就是我們聽到有關阿隆·戈登和肯巴·沃克被擺上貨架消息的原因。

With few teams expected to have cap room, players will have less leverage to demand big-money deals. As one exec put it to me: Whereas recent deals looked like massive overpays, contracts this summer will look like bargains. If teams are smart and only the truly special players are given max money, then there's an opportunity to recalibrate what players are worth.


That could mean a reckoning for the upper-middle-class contract, like the $17 million annually the Magic are shelling out to both Biyombo and Evan Fournier, because there's simply not a lot of free cap space to spend on them. To sign players of this quality, teams might instead use the non-taxpayer midlevel exception, which is currently worth $8.4 million and will near $10 million in the coming years. Or they'll re-sign such players using Bird rights.


This summer could end up setting a new precedent for what a player is worth—though it may only be temporary. We might be right back where we started once all the bad contracts are off the books and teams have new cap space to burn. That's when we'll learn which franchises have learned from their mistakes, and which are stuck in a never-ending cycle of bad decisions.


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