

1. realize

1. 明白;認識到;意識到

realize的本意是“使變為事實;使發生”, 引申為指人清楚地明白、領悟、體會到某事。

I realize how difficult it's going to be, but we must try.

我知道這有多困難, 但我們必須試一試。

2. grasp

2. 理解, 領悟, 明白

這個詞多指弄明白費解的問題, 常指對抽象理論、原理的領悟或理解。

I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.


3. make sense of

3. 懂得

Can you make sense of what I say?


4. appreciate

4. 理解, 領會;意識到

I appreciate that it's a difficult decision for you to make.

我體會得出, 你作出這樣的決定有多難。

5. comprehend

5. 充分理解;領悟

I cannot comprehend this phrase.


6. get it

6. 理解

get的動詞意思挺多的, 可以表示“懂, 理解;聽見”, get a joke的意思就是聽懂了笑話。

I told that joke to Sophia, but she didn't get it.

我跟索菲婭講了那個笑話, 可她沒有聽懂。

7. get the message

7. 理解

當別人不想冒犯你, 採用委婉的方式表達意思, 你如果體會到對方暗示的意義, 就是get the message。

Oh, I get the message – you want to go without me, right?

哦, 我明白了, 你不想和我一起去, 對吧?

8. get the picture

8. 瞭解情況

picture除了表示圖畫;照片, 還有“情況;局面;事態”的意思。

It's all right, don't say any more - I get the picture.

沒關係, 不用再說了——我明白了。

9. get the gist

9. 理解大意

gist的意思是一段資訊的要旨, 要點;大意,

get the gist就是理解了大概的意思。

I think I got the gist of what she was saying.


10. the penny drops

10. 恍然大悟, 豁然開朗

我們常常會丟硬幣看正反做決定, 當硬幣掉下來的時候, 結果也就出來了。

She looked confused for a moment, then suddenly the penny dropped.

她一開始看起來有些不解, 後來恍然大悟。

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