
「賽事預測」湘南海洋 VS 柏太陽神

湘南海洋 VS 柏太陽神

02/05/2018 J聯賽

湘南海洋 +1 [Confidence 信心度 10/10]

1972/2011兩屆日本聯賽冠軍得主柏太陽神即將前往客場挑戰升班馬湘南海洋, 主隊至今表現不俗。

排名第十的湘南海洋排名高於柏太陽神(第11名), 球隊狀態也要好于他們的對手。 交戰雙方只存在1分的差距, 自2016年之後的3次直接交鋒中, 湘南海洋贏下1場, 還有2場打成平手。 歷史上, 湘南海洋一直是柏太陽神的苦主, 湘南海洋最近的表現也要優於柏太陽神。

主隊已經連續4場未嘗一敗, 贏下最近的2場比賽, 柏太陽神則是屢屢受挫, 過去的8場正式比賽輸掉6場。 因此, 湘南海洋有很大幾率擊敗柏太陽神, 一場平局對於主隊也是不錯的結果, 看好湘南海洋主場不敗。

Shonan - Kashiwa

2nd/May 11:00 BST J1 League

Shohan +1 [Confidence 信心度 10/10]

Two times Japan Soccer League winner in 1972 and 2011, Kashiwa, has in front playing away from home a recent promoted Shonan, who is actually doing really well so far. Shonan is placed 10th over Kashiwa (11th) and holding a better form compared to the opponent of the day. Just a point separated these two sides and the previous head to head records are from 2016. Three confronts brought two draws and one Shonan's triumph. Historically, Kashiwa used to struggle too much facing Shonan and also, nowadays Shonan has played much better than Kashiwa.

The hosts count with an unbeaten record of last four fixtures, winning the previous two matches. On the coin side, Kashiwa mainly has picked up defeats, six defeats in the last eight meetings in all competitions. Therefore, Shonan beating Kashiwa in here, it is likely to happen indeed, a possible draw is not a bad result at all if we pick up Shonan with a handicap +1.

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