

都說當老師才是最好的職業, 但是你想過為什麼會越來越多人喜歡當老師嗎?除了教師這個行業比較穩定之外, 還有什麼是最吸引人的呢?不單單是國內的人喜歡當老師, 就連歪果仁也是十分喜歡當老師的, 其中不乏許多高學歷的創新人才。 為什麼大家都會如此青睞于當老師呢?

Teaching is a complex profession, so very dependent on the people who take on the role of teachers. Yes, the profession of teaching is at another set of crossroads. One certainty is that the profession of teaching is not static; the rhythms of the profession don't play the same tune for long before another wave of innovation hits the spotlight.

Here, we acknowledge the ebb and flow of teacherly life by identifying seven new crossroads for aspiring teachers but focusing the lens on why people do choose to be teachers, and why teaching is a most satisfying career choice.


【static】adj. n. 靜態的、靜電的、靜電。

【innovation】n. 創新、革新、新方法。

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

最近外媒還特地去研究了這個問題, 為什麼這麼多人喜歡當老師。 最近, 外媒公佈了高學歷人才喜歡當老師的原因了。 下面就讓阿卡索小編帶大家來盤點盤點, 歪果仁即使放棄創業也要當老師的原因吧!

1、 需要更多的資格證明

其實對於在國外攻讀學位的學生來說, 選擇當老師也是因為可以獲得多一個資格證明。 尤其是對於申請研究生學位的學生來說, 申請當老師就意味著可以獲得多一個資格證明,


Entry numbers were affected, especially compared with the bumper 2017 intake of aspiring teachers who rushed to be a part of the last cohort of one-year graduates.

This is where the crossroads of changed entry requirements present a real challenge for aspiring teachers and an opportunity for future employers to work with a new breed of highly qualified early career teachers.

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

2、 接觸世界級的國家課程

對於追求學術性的人來說, 選擇當老師還有一個最大的好處, 那就是可以接觸到世界級的國家課程。 比如, 澳大利亞就是基於國家的教育體系圍繞而制定國家課程的,

裡面有很多令人興奮的教學課程。 不論是教學創意, 還是創意教學, 都能在這裡體會到。 這在其他地方的職場來說, 想要接觸世界級的國家課程就比較困難了。

Australia's state-based education systems took an eon to come together to plan and enact a national curriculum. The inaugural Australian Curriculum is futures driven, exciting to teach and has all the hallmarks of a world-class curriculum.


【hallmark】n. vt. n. 特點、品質證明、使具有…標誌。

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

3、 老師的薪資不錯

其實很多高學歷的人才選擇當老師, 還有個最大原因, 當老師的薪酬還是很可觀的。 就連是歪果仁也是這麼想的, 老師薪酬高, 而且還有很多假期。 (比如每年的寒暑假...)這個真的就已經很棒啦!根據澳大利亞昆士蘭的資料統計, 經驗豐富的高級教師, 每年的基本工資就已經達到94532美刀了(折合成人民幣就已經是將近60W人民幣了…)再高級別一點的部門主管的基本薪資就有108818美元了。 (是不是已經可以理解, 為什麼老外也這麼熱衷於當老師了…)

As the teaching profession continues to evolve, so too do the career opportunities. Experienced teachers with a good track record are eligible to apply for positions of added responsibility in their areas of specialisation. In Queensland, experienced senior teachers earn a yearly base salary of $94,532, a head of department earns a base salary of $108,818, and an executive principal earns a base salary of $166,272.


【eligible】adj. n. 合格的、合適的、符合條件的。

【executive】adj. n. 行政的、經營的、執行的、總經理。

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

4、 老師可以影響他人教學

資料研究發現, 當問到為什麼選擇當老師的時候, 很多人都說在上學時期就已經考慮當老師了。 很多歪果仁選擇當老師的原因也是為了提高教師的形象和專業度。 (也是非常厲害了~)

Interestingly, the most powerful influencer for individuals choosing teaching as a career is teachers themselves. The "Why choose teaching?" study found that the promotion of the profession by firstly teachers, and then parents and family, is the most powerful factor with many aspiring teachers considering teaching while still at school.

Teachers in fact hold the most important key to building their profession. They go so far as to make the following recommendation: "To promote the image of the teaching profession, educational leaders should aim to improve teachers' perception of the status of teaching."


【recommendation】n. 推薦、建議、建議信。











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