
Sci Transl Med:第二軍醫大雷長海研究組發表腫瘤靶向治療新策略

2017年4月8日, 國際頂尖學術期刊《Science》旗下《 Science Translational Medicine》雜誌上線上發表了第二軍醫大學基礎醫學部雷長海教授和胡適博士課題組的一篇研究論文, 研究報導了一種新型腫瘤靶向治療策略, 並自主製備了一種新型抗體藥物, 有效阻止腫瘤生長。

在腫瘤的分子靶向治療中, 一種被稱為EGFR的分子靶向藥物常結合放射治療使用。 然而, 該療法僅在初期見效, 長用則易產生抗藥性。 為克服這一難題, 課題組致力於腫瘤細胞中具有幹細胞特徵的“腫瘤幹細胞”(CSC)研究。 腫瘤幹細胞對癌症復發和轉移影響很大, 只有同時抑制腫瘤實體細胞和腫瘤幹細胞,

治療才能產生效果, 但常規治療很難對腫瘤幹細胞產生影響。 課題組研究發現, 腫瘤幹細胞對EGFR靶向藥物和放射治療都具有抵抗性, 這種抵抗性和細胞上的Notch信號通路有關, 通過干預Notch信號通路, 即可抑制治療時腫瘤幹細胞的耐藥問題。 利用新型基因工程抗體製備技術, 他們成功構建了一種能同時阻斷兩種信號的新型基因工程抗體。 在非小細胞肺癌的模型中顯示, 這種抗體藥物可以減緩腫瘤生長並抑制腫瘤轉移。 雷長海表示, 自主研發的新型抗體可用於治療所有EGFR靶向藥物有明確用藥指征的癌症, 包括結腸癌、頭頸部腫瘤等。 這種同時作用于靶向實體腫瘤細胞和腫瘤幹細胞的治療策略,



Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) blockade and radiation are efficacious in the treatment of cancer, but resistance is commonly reported. Studies have suggested that dysregulation of Notch signaling and enrichment of the cancer stem cell population underlie these treatment challenges. Our data show that dual targeting of EGFR and Notch2/3 receptors with antibody CT16 not only inhibited signaling mediated by these receptors but also showed a strong anti–stem cell effect both in vitro and in vivo. Treatment with CT16 prevented acquired resistance to EGFR inhibitors and radiation in non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell line models and patient-derived xenograft tumors. CT16 also had a superior radiosensitizing impact compared with EGFR inhibitors. CT16 in combination with radiation had a larger antitumor effect than the combination of radiation with EGFR inhibitors or tarextumab. Mechanistically, CT16 treatment inhibits the stem cell–like subpopulation, which has a high mesenchymal gene expression and DNA repair activity, and reduces tumor-initiating cell frequency. This finding highlights the capacity of a combined blockade of EGFR and Notch signaling to augment the response to radiation and suggests that CT16 may achieve clinical efficacy when combined with radiation in NSCLC treatment.

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