

中國網浪潮新聞訊 北京時間4月18日, 浙江蘭溪居民發現一個人工開鑿的巨大地下石窟, 疑似中國最大。

CNCAO NEWS On April 18th Beijing Time,a local of Zhejiang Lanxi found a huge artificially underground rock cave. It is suspected the hugest one in China.

據悉, 石窟3000多平方米, 其中500多平方米被水淹著,

不知深淺。 15根魚尾形的“柱子”頂著巨大的石穹;石穹上面是密密麻麻的鑿痕, 痕跡非常有規律, 先是略微傾斜的豎痕長約25釐米, 再是兩三條5釐米寬的橫線鑿痕。 這是採石場嗎?還是有其他用途?

It is reported that the rock cave is more 3000 square meters and more than 500 square meters of it are immersed in the water without knowing the depth. 15 pillars which are like the tails of fish support the huge stone dome; There are dense gouges on the surface of the stone dome. These gouges are quite regular:firstly it appears with slightly inclined vertical scar which is 25 cm long,then there are two or three transverse lines which are 5 cm wide. Is It a quarry? Or does it have other usages?

著名的龍遊石窟, 現在開發出來最大的石窟只有2000平方米。

而這裡的石窟卻有3000多平方米, 如此龐大的石窟群, 謎團重重。

The famous rock caves in Longyou ,the largest developed rock cave is just 2000 square meters now. However,the rock cave here is 3000 square meters,it is such a group of huge rock caves with a lot of mysteries.

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