




這是我來美國後, 經歷的大大小小所有實習面試、電話面試、工作面試的全部面試問題, 再加上我在網上收納前人的總結, 最後集結成的這麼一個資料庫。

紅色的, 是我真實經歷過的曾被問過的問題。 粗體紅色加底線的, 是必問的高頻問題。

不敢說100%都在這個資料庫內, 但是基本不會跑出這個範圍了。 我面試前的準備, 一般就是看著這些問題, 面對空氣一陣狂說。 。

和大家分享。 一起奮鬥, 一起進步。


記住一條黃金法則: Its NOT about you! It's all about them!


他們想聽什麼樣的答案。 關心他們的需求, 提供他們的需求。

不要說類似這樣的話:“這符合我的職業規劃……”“我能學到很多, 我能提高自己的專業水準……blablabla”。

Noboday cares about YOUR career path!


記住工作面試的真相:他們不是在找那個有知識技能的人, 他們是在找他們最喜歡的人。

面試不是考試, 不是人家問一句, 你答一句。 面試是交流, 是認識和瞭解對方, 是看你們來電不來電。

Chemistry的結果, 你控制不了。 你能控制的, 是微笑, 是傾聽, 是回應, 是讓自己輕鬆, 也讓對方輕鬆。

緣分這法則, 面試世界裡照樣適用。 比較坑爹。 不是你的, 縱使你有萬般武藝也沒撤;是你的,

你就是整場笑而不語, 人家都要定你了。



想想如果你是recruiter, 你得問面試者什麼問題?


——這些問題, 他們永遠不會說出口“問”你, 但是所有的資料庫問題其實都是在圍繞這四條“中心思想”:

-Are you capable of doing this job? 你丫到底能不能幹這工作?有這個技術能力不?

-Can you fit in this team? 你這人很刁嗎?夠隨和不?以後可別反倒來欺負我們老員工。

-What value can you bring? 你就算有能力, 你能貢獻出啥來?能幫我們這兒改進得更好嗎?

-Do you want this job? 你胃口大不?太貴了我們要不起啊。 。


1、Why did you apply for this job?


算是一個開場白, 好繼而展開後面的對話。

這個問題如果之前都沒想明白, 準備好, 對答如流的話——那後面也就別玩了。


這個工作適合你, 適合你的職業方向。 把思維轉變成:你的所學, 正是能貢獻給對方的。

2、What can you do for us that someone else cannot?

= Tell me something makes you different/special from other candidates.

≈ Why should we hire you? = now it’s your chance to explain you are a good candidate.

問題的問法稍有不同, 但是大體意思是一樣的, 就是給你一個機會, 說服他們, 你比其他候選人出彩的地方。

3、Why do you want to work for us?

= Why do you want to work here?

≈What do you know about our company/organization/ our culture?

這個很明顯, 就是想知道你瞭解不瞭解他們公司。


舉個簡單例子:如果你說, “貴公司上個月在X市舉辦的業內年會上, CEO就XX問題的演講, 給我留下深刻印象。 我覺得這是XX行業的新動向。 這也引起了競爭公司XX和XX的關注……”


4、Can you tell us a little more about your experience at XXXX company?


就是對方按著你的簡歷, 逐一叫你談談過去的經歷。


5、What is your salary range?



也要說:I am looking for a good opportunity, money is not really my motivator right now.

對方再逼問, 就說:“May I know your salary range you would like to offer?”

【以上是大五高頻必問, 後面是更多的資料庫:】

How did you know this job? Where did you find it?

Tell me about yourself.

號稱第一高頻, 有趣的是, 我從來沒有被問過這個問題。

看來面試官其實在面試之前, 已經瞭解你不少了。

Do you know about our product/service? What do we do?

Tell me a little bit more about relevant experience = what previous experience do you have that would be beneficial to this job.


What do you find most attractive about this position? What seems least attractive?

What do you look for in a job? What are the top 3 things?

Can you give me your definition/understanding of this position?

How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our company?

How long would you stay with us?

We think your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified for this position

What do you think is the most difficult thing/challenge?

What important trends do you see in our industry?

自認為這是一個很厲害的刁鑽問題, 還好沒有被問過。

Why are you leaving your present job?

不要抱怨這不好, 那不好的。

In your current/past job, what do you like the most? The least?

Describe an idea day of your life, from waking up.

這是我面過的最神經的問題。 。 不知道那個面試官從哪淘出來這麼無聊的問題。

What kind of management style would you like? = what kind of boss do you feel work best with

問這個問題的一般都是你將來的老闆。 我認為, 他們問這個問題, 簡直就是他們沒有安全感的體現。

What is something you want your current (or past) manager do better?

What type of co-worker or boss do you like / dislike?

安全感啊, 安全感。 。

How do you see yourself in 5 years? = what are your long-term goals?

老掉牙的問題, 面試官特愛問。 但是真的有什麼作用嗎?我覺得這個問題就是個花瓶。

What’s the most successful thing you have accomplished? How did you success? = what steps did you take to accomplish this?

我一般就回答:姐原來基礎不好, 咬牙奮進, 不遠萬里來到你們美帝國主義國家,

費勁巴力地完成碩士學位, 姐容易嗎。

And what is your biggest failure so far?

What your previous co-workers/boss/friends would say about you?

Have you done anything to further your experience?

Where else have you applied?

說幾個競爭對手, 嚇唬嚇唬他們。

How are you when you are under pressure? = How do you alleviate stress? Can you give us examples?

Tell us an example of a difficult situation that you were able to overcome? = example of the toughest challenge you have ever faced.

我一般就說說我採訪《阿凡達》導演詹姆斯喀麥隆的故事, 百試不爽。

How do you deal with tight deadlines? Can you give us examples?

What is your motivation?

表現出, 你對你的行業的熱愛, 表現出你有充分的理由熱愛。

What is your greatest strength?

這職業最要求啥, 你的strength就是啥。

What is your biggest weakness? =What area do you think you need to improve?

不要說你是工作狂, 你是完美主義者。 對方聽了會吐的。

Are you good at working in a team? Examples? What was your role in that team? What did you contribute to the team?

How to deal with team’s different opinions?

What can you contribute to make the teamwork easier/better?

How to deal with troubleshooting?

Would you rather work on a project all by yourself? Or under some supervision?

我感腳, 這也是你上司那安全感問題。 。 。

Tell me a suggestion you have made that was implemented? = Tell me an example you have convinced someone to do something that they were not interested in doing.= How do you sell your idea?

面試前要準備很多例子, 一說讓距離, 就往上套。

Describe a time in which you did not meet your manager’s expectations, how did you handle it?

What work environment would you like the most? The least?

面試的公司是啥工作環境, 你就說你喜歡啥工作環境。

What’s the harshest criticism you received from superior? = give me an example of a time your were criticized and how did you respond to criticism?

Why do you want to be XXXX(你的職業)?

What are you passionate about?

What is the last thing you read about our company other than our website? = tell our latest news.

答案要細緻化。 不要說的太籠統。

How do you define success? How do you value success?

How do you cope with rejection?

What do you think about creativity? How to be creative?

當時這個問題, 徹底把我問傻了。 這個問題太大了吧。

Tell us two projects you did. One succeeded, one failed

還是舉例。 一定要準備很充足的例子。

Give examples of your creativity/analytical skill/managing ability/detail-organized.

What tools/methods do you use to keep organized?

If you have several projects at the same time, how do you manage them?

Why did you come to US? Why do you want to stay in US?

以為會被問, 從來沒被問。

What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?

When you get a new task, what would you do?




Why is this position open?

Is this position a new or replacement position?

If replaced – May I know what went wrong? What are the things you would like to see changed?

If new—What are you expectations? What would your ideal candidate be like?

Can you give me detailed understanding about what my days might be like?

To you, what is the ideal candidate like? = What person are you looking for?

What particular expertise/skills do you value the most for this position?

How do you see me contributing?

How do you see this role evolving?


What are the specific challenges you are facing?

Who is the key/primary audience?

Who are the key competitors?

What does success look like to you?

What is your short-term / long-term goal?

How much time/budget/resources do you want to spend on XXX project/team/department?


How long have you been working here?

What made you decide to join this company?

What attracts you? What do you like of working here?



Hello, my name is XX. I submitted my application for your XX position a couples weeks ago. I am just calling to follow up, and want to make sure my materials were received.

May I know what is the time frame for the hiring process?


by 林美美



U.S.CPA 美國註冊會計師

AICPA Exam丨Education丨Career

免費申請 ●-● USCPA一對一VIP課程試聽



Why is this position open?

Is this position a new or replacement position?

If replaced – May I know what went wrong? What are the things you would like to see changed?

If new—What are you expectations? What would your ideal candidate be like?

Can you give me detailed understanding about what my days might be like?

To you, what is the ideal candidate like? = What person are you looking for?

What particular expertise/skills do you value the most for this position?

How do you see me contributing?

How do you see this role evolving?


What are the specific challenges you are facing?

Who is the key/primary audience?

Who are the key competitors?

What does success look like to you?

What is your short-term / long-term goal?

How much time/budget/resources do you want to spend on XXX project/team/department?


How long have you been working here?

What made you decide to join this company?

What attracts you? What do you like of working here?



Hello, my name is XX. I submitted my application for your XX position a couples weeks ago. I am just calling to follow up, and want to make sure my materials were received.

May I know what is the time frame for the hiring process?


by 林美美



U.S.CPA 美國註冊會計師

AICPA Exam丨Education丨Career

免費申請 ●-● USCPA一對一VIP課程試聽

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