

1、我要的不多, 父母健康 , 朋友忠誠 , 愛人專一。 What I want is not much, parents health, loyal friend, lover is single-minded.

2、想你, 想與你時時刻刻在一起。 I miss you, want to be with you all the time.

3、“你來人間一趟, 你要看星星, 看太陽, 和你的心上人, 一起走在街上。

”You come to the earth, you want to look at the stars, look at the sun,and walk in the street with your sweetheart.

4、我想要愛情公寓那樣的生活, 最愛的人在身邊, 最好的朋友在對面。 I want to live a life of iPartment as, lover live in the side, best friend lives next door.

5、大概就是你喜歡的人也中意你吧Maybe the person who you like love you.

6、希望有個人陪我逛宜家, 陪我看電影, 陪我一起做飯, 陪我...I hope to have a person to accompany me to go to IKEA, accompany me to see the movie, accompany me to cook, accompany me...

7、16歲那年我在操場看他打籃球, 26歲這年, 看他帶著我們的女兒在社區裡玩滑梯。 陽光依舊明媚, 春風漸暖, 他也沒變。 When I was 16 years old, I saw him playing basketball on the playground. At the age of 26, he tookour daughter to play in the community. The sun is still bright, the spring breeze is warm, he have not changed.

8、不羡慕風華正茂。 只羡慕攙扶到老。 I don't envy the young couple, only envy concomitant to the old husband and wife.

9、每天能看到她的笑, 便是我的幸福。 Every day to see her smile, is my happiness.

10、我們會有小小的家。 城市的一方煙火, 容納著溫暖的陽臺, 晝夜的情話和蠢萌的貓狗。 We'll have a little home. One side of the city fireworks, holding a warm balcony, day and night of love and cute cat and dog.

11、從校服到婚紗, 從青春年少到白髮蒼蒼, 一直和你在一起, 陪你走過每一個階段, 是我想和你擁有的幸福。 From the school uniform to the wedding dress, from the youth to the white haired, and you have been together, accompany you through every stage, I want to have happiness with you.

12、“我要跟你去山下人跡稀少的小鎮生活。 清晨爬到高山巔頂, 下山去集市買蔬菜水果, 烹煮打掃。 午後讀一本書, 晚上在杏花樹下喝酒聊天, 直到月色和露水清涼。 在夢中, 行至岩鳳尾蕨茂盛的空空山谷, 鳥聲清脆,

樹上種子崩裂。 一起在樹下疲累而眠。 醒來時, 我尚年少, 你未老。 ”"I want to go with you to the mountain sparsely populated town life. Climb to the top of the mountain in the morning, go down to the market to buy vegetables and fruits, cooking and cleaning. Read a book in the afternoon, in the evening under the apricot tree drink chat, until the moonlight and dew cool. In the dream, the empty valley to Pteris deltodon lush niaosheng clear, tree seed crack. Tired and sleeping under the tree. When I wake up, I am still young, and you are not old."

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