

(溫馨提示:本文內容涉及通用GE增材製造、全球金屬3D列印市場, 所以使用英漢雙語)

Tips: This article covers the GE Additive, the global metal 3D printing market.Thus it is reported by both English and Chinese.

△GE的展位, 展臺上擺放著Concept Laser和Arcam宣傳冊

The GE booth, placed with Concept Laser and Arcam Brochures


南極熊注意到通用電氣公司(GE), 首次參展中國的專業3D列印展會。 2016年, 作為一個全球工業巨頭, GE花了十幾億美金收購了金屬3D列印廠商, 德國Concept Laser(鐳射燒結技術)和瑞典Arcam(電子束熔融技術), 震動了工業界和3D列印界。

In 2017 March, Shanghai TCT, Nanjixiong Media noticed that General Electric (GE), for the first time, to participate in China's professional 3D printing exhibition. In 2016, as a global industrial giant, GE spent billions of dollars to buy Metal 3D printing manufacturers, Germany Concept Laser (laser sintering technology) and Sweden Arcam (electron beam melting technology), which has shocked the worldwide traditional industry and 3D printing industry.

另外, GE還通過其投資公司GE Ventures投資了多家有前途的3D列印公司:

In addition, GE also through its investment company GE Ventures invested in a number of promising 3D printing company:


Carbon company who has developed one hundred times speed 3D printing technology known as CLIP;

•致力於打造桌面級金屬3D印表機的Desktop Metal公司;

Desktop Metal company that is dedicated to the creation of desktop class metal 3D printer;

•已經推出3D列印汽車的Local Motors公司;

Local Motors company that has launched a 3D printed car;

•握有獨特氣溶膠噴射3D列印技術的Optomec公司, 等

And Optomec company that owns the unique aerosol jet printing technology, etc.

在展會上, 南極熊很幸運, 遇到了GE 增材製造部門的BD負責人 Rob、市場負責人 Laurence, 和GE航空中國區技術總監 王鵬。 作為中國3D列印第一媒體, 南極熊自然不會放過這機會, 對GE進行了專訪。

At the show, Nanjixiong Media was very lucky, met with Rob, the head of GE Additive BD, Laurence the Marketing Leader, and Wang Peng GE Aviation China Engineering Director. As China's No. 1 3D Printing media, Nanjixiong will not miss this opportunity, to have the exclusive interview with GE leaders.

提示:本視頻長達近20分鐘, 含金量很高, 可先收藏然後在WIFI下觀看

Tip: this video lasts up to 20 minutes, with high valuable information, can be collected first and then watch under WIFI


The video includes three parts: the scene report of GE booth (Nanjixiong Perspective), Interview with GE Additive Leaders and GE Aviation China Engineering Director

在專訪中, GE高層透露了很多重要資訊:

In the interviews, GE leaders revealed a lot of important information

•收購了Concept Laser和Arcam之後的戰略佈局;

Strategic layout post the acquisition of Concept Laser and Arcam

•工業生產和製造, 正在不斷轉移到3D列印技術上面;

Industrial production and manufacturing are moving to 3D printing technology;


GE forecasts that approximately 10000 metal 3D printers are needed in the future

•3D列印技術進步和應用飛快, 就像智慧手機行業一樣, 一旦達到某個臨界點, 就會大規模爆發;

3D printing technology will be advanced and applied in a very quick manner, just like the smart phone industry, once reached a critical point, it will erupt on a large scale


Future 3D printing market will reach $76 billion

△南極熊專訪GE Additive 的BD負責人Rob(左)和市場負責人Laurence(右)

Exclusive interview with GE Additive BD head Rob(left) and Marketing leader Laurence (right)

△南極熊對GE管理層GE航空中國區技術總監 王鵬(右)進行專訪

Exclusive interview with GE executive GE Aviation China Engineering Director Mr. Wang Peng (right)

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