

本場雅思考試, 整體難度中等, 但是聽完聽力, 無數烤鴨已經心灰意冷, 前三個section各種選擇題目, 對比section4的龜速+填空題, 讓無數烤鴨苦笑不得, 考官你是故意的麼!快來看下雅思最新考試分析~


閒暇時間或者是節假日話題需要重視, 比如:

Q:When do you normally have free time?

A:Well,normally,I am free during weekends and some festivals and holidays,I mean spring festival,National Days and Labour’s Day.


Q:How could you find more leisure time?

A:Generally speaking,like when I am off work, I have free time.I tend to cook at home and doing sports at gym.

解析:下班也是閒暇時間, 做些自己喜歡的事情。



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今天聽力部分考試題目為2舊2新, 新題為Section3 和Section4, 但是Section3部分的語速極快, 是本次考試中最難的一篇, 涉及題型為:選擇題和配對題, 因為答案回憶不完整, 所以不具體分析。 Section4部分是關於青蛙的棲息地, 涉及題型為填空題, 最難的一個空, 答案為antibiotic, 意思為抗生素, 你寫對了嗎? 下面我們來看看聽力部分的題目回憶。 (答案僅供參考~)

S1 線上購物的討論

涉及題型:句子填空題, 單選題

答案回憶:1-5 填空題:clothes, sports, pay, Saturday, letter

5-10 單選題:選:A lot of choice

選:Poor quality

選:CDs from other countries are available

選:Phone numbers

選:Fresh products like food

S2 電視節目預告

涉及題型:配對題, 表格填空題

答案回憶:11-15 配對題:嘉賓1----negative

嘉賓2---- positive

嘉賓3---- neutral(adj, 中立的)

嘉賓4---- neutral


26-30 表格填空題: comedy, family, documentary, birds, 2050

S4 青蛙的棲息地


答案回憶:11-20 填空題:mud, protection, salt, smooth, still, pest, antibiotic, smell, half, diet


Passage 1 百貨公司 涉及題型:判斷題(TFNG), 句子填空題

Passage 2 防止肌肉退化的研究 涉及題型:段落配對題, 多選題, 無詞庫Summary

Passage 3 海藻類 涉及題型:單選題, 配對題, 簡答題


2017年4月22日 雅思寫作回顧


本場考試依然為柱狀圖, 考查物件為互聯網各種用途的所占百分比。

對於大多數考生來講, 互聯網在當今社會生活中的用途並不陌生, 結合一定的常識及圖表資料不難概括出要點。


Some people think advertising may have positive economic effects. Others think it has negative social effects because individuals are not satisfied with what they are and what they have.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

本題為雙邊討論題, 屬於媒體類話題。 關於advertising考生們各有看法, 不過用辯證思維去思考其作用的兩面性, 難免難以持衡, 因此可以就傾向的一方觀點多說一些, 懂得避重就輕。


Advertisement has been seen as a helping hand for manufacturers, which contributes so much to the prospective sales in the market. However, unpleasant comments on it are also heard and discussed, so many wonder whether advertising is a positive role in our society.

Some argue that any product is showed with exaggeration under fancy light and beautiful sound. Without clear analysis and judging ability, consumers tend to be driven to shops or online, resulting in the so-called irrational consumption. Also, by crossing over relevant rules, even laws, manufacturers speak out indelible slogan on advertisement. As everyone knows, picking stain from a flashy product design is not an easy work. In view of these fantastic but obscure advertising mean and design, it is not surprising to hear so much negative discussion for it.

On the other hand, with a huge number of defective goods flowing into the market, consumers need to find ways to tell quality products from bad ones. Clearly, advertising help us avoid shopping irrationally, good advertisement promote sales positively. In addition, do not always blame manufacturers when receiving unsatisfying goods, after all, it is ourselves who made the decision. By standing the position of the producers, you will behave in the same way and show your products in another way possibly misunderstood by the consumers. Hence, it is up to us to comment advertisement and spend.

In a word, one’s altitude towards advertising affects the consumption exceedingly. Personally, advertisements promote and keep a prospective market as a whole.

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