

一般人回到家, 發現自己的另一半和其他人躺在床上, 肯定會暴跳如雷、破口大駡吧, 不過今天給大家介紹的是一位“史上最鎮靜男友”, 他的反應真是非同尋常的蛋定啊......

After Duston Holloway from Emory, Texas, walked in to his bedroom and found his girlfriend passed out drunk next to a random guy, he opted to keep his sense of humor about the unfortunate situation.

家住在德克薩斯州愛莫伊的Duston Holloway晚上回家後, 發現自己的女友和另一名陌生男子醉得不省人事躺在床上, 然而。 這位元小哥選擇用一種幽默的方式來對待這一蛋疼的場景。

Instead of flipping out, he starting snapping photos of them in bed, and he even posed for a selfie in front of the them, later sharing the images on Facebook.

他並沒有氣得跳腳, 而是迅速拿出手機給這床上的兩人拍照, 他甚至還以他倆為背景自拍了好幾張(普特君默默吐槽一下, 這小哥腦回路真是清奇啊2333), 之後,



'When you come home to another man in your bed with the one you loved! Good men deserve good women.' he wrote using a peace sign emoji.

“當你回家看到自己愛的女人和另一個陌生男子躺在床上!好男人值得更好的女人!。 ”嗯, 沒錯, 他還配了個剪刀手。 。 。

The images see Duston's now-ex-girlfriend passed out next to another guy, and while she has her shirt on, he does not.

從照片中我們可以看出Duston醉得不省人事的前女友睡在另一個男人旁邊, 前女友還穿著衣服, 那個男人卻是裸著的。

One Facebook user messaged him to ask if he woke them up, he admitted that he initially wanted to 'kick his a**'.

一位Facebook網友問Duston有沒有把他們叫醒, Duston說他一開始確實是想揍那個男人一頓的。

'But I calmly just took selfies and walked like a boss lol,' he added. 'I did tap her to wake her up but she was drunk as a skunk passed out.

“但我只是拍了幾張自拍, 然後大搖大擺的走了哈哈。 我確實拍了她的臉幾下想把她叫醒, 不過她醉得跟個死豬一樣。 ”

'I was gonna ask if I was gonna have to sleep in the spare bedroom and what kinda breakfast the dude liked lmao.'

“我想問她我是不是應該睡到客房去, 這位老兄想吃啥早點啊哈哈哈哈哈。

*lmao=laughing my ass off, 笑死我了。

Unsurprisingly, Duston's amazing photos went viral, and thousands of people from all over the world have reached out to him to praise him for staying calm, cool, and collected while finding himself in such a miserable situation.

不出意外的, Duston的這幾張照片火了。 Duston在這種操蛋的場景下表現出來的冷靜、豁達, 收到了世界各地網友們的點贊。

'Good for you on being the bigger person! I'm sure one day you will find someone will think the world of you!' a woman named Hailey told him.


Another guy named Maximus offered to take him out to help him find other ladies.


'You ever come out to Cleveland Ohio I got you bro, We'll find you a few to run through. Cheers bruv! [sic]' he wrote.

“來俄亥俄州克利夫蘭吧哥們, 我會好好接待你, 給你找些新歡好忘掉舊愛。 來吧, 兄弟!。 ”

Duston later returned to Facebook to thank everyone for the support he has gotten.


'I've had thousands of messages thousands upon thousands of people from all over the world congratulate me on being a better man and walking away,' he wrote.

“我收到了成千上萬的消息, 成千上萬來自世界各地的人都祝賀我能夠成為一個更好的人, 瀟灑的放手離開。 ”

He added that at the time he had 'thought my world fell apart' but the support he received after posting the story left him feeling like 'the world ain't as bad as we think.'

他還說當時“覺得自己的世界崩塌了”, 但大家的支持讓他覺得“這世界並不像我們想的那麼糟。 ”

在這個事件中呢, 普特君還是相當佩服這位小哥的自製力的, 各位普特er, 假如你遇到這種事, 你會怎麼做呢?

Well, 普特君當然是希望大家一輩子都遇不到這種事啦......





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