

The International Woolmark Prize reinforces commitment to designers and textile mills

The Woolmark Company is reinforcing its commitment to supporting emerging design talent by enhancing the prize money for the prestigious International Woolmark Prize. The restructure of the award also shines a spotlight on the textile mills assisting in developing innovative wool fabric and yarn, with the introduction of an Innovation Award.

The Woolmark Company今年提高了備受矚目的國際羊毛標誌大獎的賽事獎金, 進一步發掘並扶持新銳設計師。 大獎中更新增創新獎, 用以表彰各紡織企業在羊毛面料及紗線的創新研發中所取得的卓越貢獻。

IWP 2017-18 亞洲區入圍選手

The nominees for Asia are:


Menswear: BMUET(TE) – South Korea; PRONOUNCE –Greater China; ROGGYKEI – Japan; SixLee –Greater China; and STAFFONLY – Greater China.

男裝組:BMUET(TE) –韓國;PRONOUNCE –中國;ROGGYKEI – 日本;SixLee –中國;STAFFONLY – 中國。

Womenswear: KYE – South Korea; PEGGY HARTANTO – Indonesia, SHUSHU/TONG – Greater China; and YUIMA NAKAZATO – Japan.


Each of the 65 global nominees will receive AU$2000 to assist in the development of their submission piece, ahead of the regional finals to be held in Dubai, London, Milan, New York, Seoul and Sydney throughout July. In addition, each regional menswear and womenswear winner will this year receive AU$70,000 to go towards their final collection. Prize money for the two eventual winners has also increased, with the global menswear and womenswear winner each receiving AU$200,000.

國際羊毛標誌大獎的區域決賽將於7月在迪拜、倫敦、米蘭、紐約、首爾和悉尼舉辦。 賽前65位元入圍區域決賽的選手將獲得2000澳元用以製作參賽作品。 今年, 區域決賽的男女裝組冠軍將獲得7萬澳元獎金, 並作為各地區的代表角逐全球總決賽。 而男裝組和女裝組全球總決賽冠軍的獎金數額也將進一步提高, 兩位冠軍設計師分別將獲得20萬澳元的獎金。

IWP-2017-18 獎盃

The newly introduced Innovation Award has been created to celebrate the most unique and creative fabric or yarn development from a finalist. The winner of the Innovation Award will be granted AU$100,000 as well as being presented with commercial opportunities. The textile mill responsible for the exciting development will also be promoted via The Woolmark Company’s global trade promotional program.

大賽新添創新獎以表彰決賽中最具創意的面料或紗線作品。 創新獎的獲獎者將獲得10萬澳元的獎金與商業推廣機會。 而負責開發該款面料的紡織企業則將有機會參與The Woolmark Company全球貿易推廣項目。

“Due to increasing pressures on young designers, we have restructured our program spend with a greater focus on the design talent and our partners,” explains The Woolmark Company’s Managing Director Stuart McCullough.

“由於年輕設計師肩負的壓力持續增加, 我們重新調整了獎項, 給予年輕的設計英才及合作夥伴更多的關注和支持。 ”The Woolmark Company董事總經理Stuart McCullough表示。

“Each year, I am truly amazed with what our finalists present to the judges. Just when you may think you’ve seen it all, along comes an exciting new fabric or innovative new yarn, and that’s why we have established the Innovation Award. It not only keeps competition fierce but it also allows for our prestigious trade partners to get global recognition and ultimately increases the market share of wool.”

“每年, 入圍決賽的選手都帶來了眾多令人驚豔的作品。

當你覺得或許已經瞭解所有作品時, 又會為新穎的面料或紗線作品而感到讚歎, 這也是我們增設創新獎的原因, 這個獎項的設立將進一步加劇競爭熱度, 也令我們的貿易合作夥伴獲得全球範圍的認可, 最終得以在羊毛市場中搶佔先機。 ”

The Woolmark Company has commissioned Australian-born, Los Angeles-based multidisciplinary artist Jonathan Zawada to create the trophies for this year’s regional and final events, each crafted from marine debris bakelite. Developed by Ocean Collection, marine debris bakelite is a product created entirely from recycled plastic collected from Australian shorelines, and is characterised by a marbled quality.

The Woolmark Company特邀現居於洛杉磯的澳洲多棲藝術家Jonathan Zawada設計今年羊毛標誌大獎區域決賽和全球總決賽的獎盃。 多才多藝的Zawada選用Ocean Collection生產的海洋塑膠廢料產品製作獎盃。 這些擁有大理石質感的海洋塑膠廢料由回收自澳大利亞海岸線的廢棄塑膠製成。

“I am very passionate about reducing and re-using wherever possible, so along with creating the trophy from recycled materials I hope that the recipient of the awards will find the trophy sculptural and beautiful enough to enjoy as a meaningful and gratifying physical object,” said Zawada.

“我一直熱衷於環保節能和回收再利用事業。 通過使用可回收材料製作獎盃, 我希望獲獎者能夠感受到這件作品猶如雕塑般的藝術美感,

並領略到其承載的環保意義。 ”Zawada表示。

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