

在託福寫作中, 有些話題的內容很抽象或者是不好解答。 尤其是面對抽象話題, 很多同學都無從下手, 不知所云。 這時候, 我們就可以篩選題目中出現的關鍵字並進行分類。 當我們可以把一個抽象名詞分成幾個具體名詞或者事物時, 我們就可以比較直觀的表達自己的觀點, 並在闡述話題的過程中進行詳細的論述。 這樣不僅可以清晰的將觀點和內容表述清楚, 同時又可以避免邏輯混亂和思路不清晰。 下面老師就以一道託福真題來給大家做詳細講解。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

如果我們採用分類法的話, 可以首先抽出關鍵字history, 然後將“歷史”具體化, 通過列舉學習文化史、美術史和文學史, 從不同側面論證了學習歷史的好處, 即學習中西方文化的差異、學習不同種類的美術史和文學史, 從而激發對美術的興趣, 學習不同的文學寫作手法。


Through the study of the history of culture, we can have a deeply understanding of the huge differences between Chinese and Western culture, which provides us a more profound comprehension of the long history of Chinese culture.


The history of art which consists of the sketches, figure paintings, calligraphy and landscape map can promote our strong interests of the arts and the beauty.


If we have a chance to study the history of literature, we may have a notion of poetry, prose, novels and fable fairy tales. Through the study of the literature history, we would learn that one thing can be interpreted with various ways.

或者, 將“歷史”具體化, 通過列舉學習殖民地歷史、美國內戰歷史和第二次世界大戰歷史, 從不同側面論證了學習歷史的好處, 即瞭解一個國家的成長、看到黑人境地的改變, 以及國家如何擺脫危機、走向興盛;

1)殖民地歷史 the American colonial history

For one thing, by learning the American colonial history, they gradually understand how their forefathers, with perseverance and fortitude, built colonial settlements in Plymouth and Massachusetts.

2)內戰歷史 the American Civil War

For another thing, through studying the historical facts about the American Civil War, they know that it is during this war that blacks were saved out of poverty and imprisonment and saw the twilight of freedom and liberty.

3)第二次世界大戰歷史 the Second World War

Similarly, the Second World War tells them how courageously America recovered from the raid on the Pearl Harbor and how dauntlessly it fought against Japanese.

因此, 要想拿到託福寫作的高分, 首先要對題目進行充分的理解和剖析, 最好能在考前對託福題目進行大量的練習和準備。

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