

(2017年5月4日, /HRoot.com/)根據任仕達的調查, 大多數(84%)的澳大利亞人都不擔心技術進步會影響他們未來的工作。

任仕達雇主品牌的研究也顯示, 77%的受訪者認為他們在未來十年內不需要改變職業。

“感知和現實之間的差距是有趣的”, 任仕達澳大利亞首席執行官Frank Ribuot說。 “自動化是影響全球員工的主要因素, 但當技術進步帶來真正的威脅和機會時, 澳大利亞人更關注的是短期影響, 如工作時間更長。 ”

技術未來學家和演講家Shara Evans也說:“我不驚訝於聽到這些研究結果。 談到技術及其對工作場所的潛在影響時, 澳大利亞和世界各地的許多人似乎都看起來很天真。

現實情況是, 在未來10-15年內, 由於自動化, 澳大利亞現有40%的工作將不復存在, 即五百萬個工作崗位將消失。 如果看看技術的指數式進步, 很明顯這個數字會繼續上升。 在許多情況下, 工作不可能完全消失, 但正在進行的工作也會發生根本變化。 ”

“如果我們放眼2030年, 未來的職場將是一個非常不同的地方。 我們已經看到機器人在零售行業內執行禮賓任務, 未來的工作場所將出現具有更大物理能力的人形機器人。 技術的發展和機遇就在這裡, 澳大利亞人必須開始接受這些變化並提前計畫。 ” Evans說。

Most not concerned over future tech advancements that will affect jobs

(May 4, 2017, /staffingindustry.com/)The majority, or 84%, of Australians are not concerned that technological advancements will affect their job in the future, according to research from Randstad.

The Randstad Employer Brand Research also showed that 77% of respondents believe that they won’t need to change careers in the next ten years.

“The gap between perception and reality is fascinating”, Randstad Australia CEO, Frank Ribuot, said. “Automation is a major factor impacting employees globally, however Australians are more focused on short term concerns, such as working longer hours, when the real threat and opportunities are coming from technological advancements.”

Technologist futurist and keynote speaker Shara Evans also commented, “I’m not surprised to hear these research results. Australians and many people around the world seem naïve when it comes to the potential impact technology will have within their workplace. “The reality is that 40% of current jobs in Australia won’t exist in 10-15 years due to automation, that’s five million jobs gone. If I look at the exponential advancements in technology, it is very clear that this figure will continue to rise. In many cases, jobs may not completely disappear but the skillsets for the work being done will need to change into something completely different.

“If we look towards 2030, the workplace of the future will be a very different place. We are already seeing robots performing concierge tasks within the retail space and the future workplace will see humanoid type robots with greater physical capabilities. The technological developments and opportunities are here and it is essential that Australians start embracing these changes and planning ahead”, Evans said.

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