


中國網浪潮資訊 5月6日, 杭州西湖邊的某五星級酒店, 中國網記者與臺灣著名歌手姜育恒相遇, 交談時間不長, 但是談的內容跟以前不同了, “再回首”和他的歌談得少了, 談的更多的是他和馬來西亞的“情緣”。

CNCAO NEWS In May 6th , a five-star hotel near West Lake, Hangzhou, China.com.cn reporter met with Jiang Yuheng (Johnny), a famous singer from Taiwan, the conversation didn’t last for a long time, but the content they talked was different from before, less about “I Hope You'll Come Back” and his songs, more about his love and fate with Malaysia.


Famous singer Johnny talks about how to be a tourismambassador

記者:這次來杭州帶來的不是一場演出, 而是作為馬來西亞旅遊形象大使的身份參加“杭州遇見馬來西亞”推薦會, 您對馬來西亞的最深感受是什麼?怎麼會成為馬來西亞旅遊形象大使的?

Reporter: This time you come is not to bring a show to Hangzhou, but as the identity of the Malaysia tourism ambassador to participate in the recommendation meeting”Hangzhou meet Malaysia” in Hangzhou, what is your deepest impression of Malaysia? How can you become the Malaysia tourism ambassador?

薑育恒:我對馬來西亞的個人感受是可以找到真正的生活, 悠閒的、安逸的生活。 成為馬來西亞旅遊形象大使也很偶然, 因為馬來西亞久久國際集團董事長是臺灣籍, 邀請我給他們作了一首歌曲“愛上馬來西亞”, 後來他們國家旅遊部長很喜歡, 就邀請我作為他們的旅遊形象大使,


Johnny: My personal feeling to Malaysia is that you can find a real life here, a leisurely, easy life. It is also very accidental to become the Malaysia tourism ambassador, because the chairman of JoJo International Group in Malaysia who comes from Taiwan, invited me to write a song “Rasa Sayang” for them, then their country’s tourism minister liked this song very much, and invited me to be their tourism ambassador, but I didn’t agree at that time.


Reporter: Why did you agree later? Now look at your face, it’s also looks enjoy yourself.

薑育恒:後來是我的老師提醒我, 說我九歲的時候曾經的理想是做一名外交官, 作為一個旅遊形象大使其實就是一個外交官的角色。 後來就答應了, 作為馬來西亞負責中國大陸、香港、澳門、臺灣地區的旅遊推廣大使, 我覺得就是在為我們中國和馬來西亞兩國友好交流做工作。

Johnny: My teacher reminded me afterwords that when I was nine years old, I had a dream of being a diplomat, a tourism ambassador is actually the role of a diplomat. Then I agreed, as the tourism ambassador in Malaysia who is responsible for the promotion of tourism in mainland China, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, I think I am working for the friendly exchanges between China and Malaysia.


Reporter: Is there any task for you? For example, you should achieve what kind of effect as the ambassador?


www.cctv.com host Li Mingfei presided over the activities of the day

薑育恒:馬來西亞方面沒有一個具體的要求, 但是我提出來, 讓中國到馬來西亞的遊客人數到2020年達到4000000人次, 到2025年達到12000000人次。

Johnny: Malaysia does not have a specific request, but I put forward, make the number of Chinese tourists who come to Malaysia reach to 4,000,000 by 2020, and reach to 12,000,000 by 2025.


Reporter:Why are you so confident?

薑育恒:馬來西亞的旅遊業還在發展中, 尤其是麻六甲海峽的天然風景和獨特地理位置, 以及對中華文化的保護和遺存, 都是吸引我們中國人的地方;戰略中, 是一個非常重要的交匯點, 在這裡的投資價值就是20年前的上海浦東。

Johnny: In fact, tourism is only a carrier and form to understand Malaysia, I’d rather hope our investment merchants in China will look at the investment value of this country, Zhang Yimou create the “Malacha Impression” in the Strait of Malacha, the Strait of Malacha is a very important intersection in “the Belt and the Road” initiative put forward in China, the investment value here is equivalent to Pudong, Shanghai of 20 years ago.


童年胸懷一個外交官的夢;一首獨創的歌曲, 讓他成為一個國家的旅遊形象大使, 這是姜育恒, 磁性十足的唱著“再回首”紅遍東南亞, 如今要在一帶一路上走出新的外交腳印。

A famous singer, whose childhood dream was to be a diploma; a original song, make him become a national tourism ambassador, this is Jiang Yuheng, sings “I Hope You'll Come Back” with a magnetic voice and popular in Southeast Asia, now he will walk out a new diplomatic footprint on the way of “the Belt and Road”.

(reported by China.com.cn reporter Zhang Yuan translated by Huang Lu)

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