
雙語|斯嘉麗 詹森下巴成整容範本什麼樣的下巴最美?

一位為許多明星做過整形的外科醫生透露了人們最想擁有的幾種下巴形狀, 而其中最受歡迎的類型或許會讓你驚訝不已。

According to Harley Street's Dr De Silva, Scarlett Johansson, 32, tops the list with her distinctive heart or V-shaped chin, and Angelina Jolie, 41, with her smooth jawline, comes in second place.

據英國醫療中心哈利街的醫生德•席爾瓦稱, 最受歡迎的下巴名單中, 32歲斯嘉麗•詹森出眾的心型(或者說V型)下巴高居榜首, 而41歲安吉麗娜•茱莉線條流暢的下頜排在第二位。

Dr De Silva, from the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery in West London, also notes that celebrity-inspired 'chinplants' are the fastest growing plastic surgery trend in the UK.

德•席爾瓦醫生就職于倫敦西區的高級面部美容整形外科中心。 他指出, 受名人效應推動, “下巴植入手術”已成為英國目前發展最快的整形手術。

Here, he reveals the eight most desirable chin shapes, so which one are you?

在這裡, 德•席爾瓦醫生將揭秘八種人們最渴望擁有的下巴形狀,


1. Heart-shaped/V-shaped chin - Scarlett Johanson

1. 心形/V形下巴——斯嘉麗•詹森

This is the shape desired most of all by women when seeking changes to the shape of their chin.

大部分女人想要改變自己下巴的形狀時, 心型/V型下巴是她們的首選。

Dr Julian De Silva said: 'This slightly V-shaped or heart-shaped chin is the most desirable. You can see its shape very clearly in Scarlett Johansson's beautiful face.'

德•席爾瓦醫生說:“人們最渴望擁有這種細長的V形或心形下巴。 你可以從斯嘉麗•詹森美麗的面容上, 清楚地看到這種形狀。

2. Square chin - Angelina Jolie

2. 方形下巴——安吉麗娜•朱莉

Actress Angelina Jolie arrives for a news conference at a hotel in Siem Reap province, Cambodia, February 18, 2017. REUTERS/Samrang Pring/File Photo

This type of chin is also considered to be beautiful and striking. Completely square at the bottom, it suits both sexes.

這種類型的下巴亦被認為是美麗動人的。 下巴底部呈現完整的方形, 這種形狀男女都適合。

Dr De Silva said: 'This is the Gold Standard of chins and the one I am most often asked to replicate along with the V-shaped chin like Scarlett's.

德•席爾瓦醫生說:“方形下巴是下巴形狀的黃金標準, 這種下巴與斯嘉麗那樣的V型下巴都是人們最常要求我去複製的類型。

'Angelina has a beautifully proportioned square chin and a profile that many woman desire. Her face is completely free from blemishes or wrinkles, too - remarkable in a woman of 41.'

“安吉麗娜的方形下巴美麗、比例勻稱, 這種下巴輪廓讓許多女性都心生豔羨。 她的臉上也完全沒有斑點和皺紋——對一個41歲的女人來說, 這很難得。 ”

3. Protruding chin - Reese Witherspoon

3. 突出的下巴——瑞茜•威瑟斯彭

Actress and producer Reese Witherspoon speaks during the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., May 3, 2017. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

This is a chin which juts forwards slightly and therefore is particularly noticeable. The most famous example for a male is the late football pundit Jimmy Hill or the American TV host Jay Leno but a more subtle example on a female is the Hollywood actress Reese Witherspoon.

這種下巴稍微有點突出, 因此顯得相當引人注目。 擁有突出下巴的男性中,

最著名的例子當屬已故足球評論員吉米•黑爾和美國電視節目主持人傑•雷諾。 而不那麼明顯的女性例子, 則是好萊塢女演員瑞茜•威瑟斯彭。

Dr De Silva said: 'A more prominent chin is generally a facial characteristic that is less flattering - however, it can add more character and personality to a person's face.'

德•席爾瓦醫生說:“通常情況下, 一個較為突出的下巴不能讓人看起來更漂亮, 但是它可以為臉部增添更多個人色彩和特點。 ”

4. Dimpled chin - Christina Hendricks

4. 帶有酒窩的下巴——克莉絲蒂娜•亨德里克斯

Cast member Christina Hendricks poses at the premiere of the movie "Fist Fight" in Los Angeles, California U.S., February 13, 2017. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

This is a chin with a slight kink in the middle. The most famous example for a male would be the actor John Travolta but there are lots of female stars with slightly less pronounced chin dimples such as Christina Hendricks from Mad Men.

這種類型的下巴中間有一彎淺淺的弧度。 男性中最出名的例子是演員約翰•特拉沃爾塔, 而許多女明星的下巴都有著稍淺的酒窩, 比如電視劇《廣告狂人》中的女演員克莉絲蒂娜•亨德里克斯。

Dr De Silva said: 'Although chins with a dimple were once more popular, these have largely gone out of fashion, and some patients have preferred to have their dimple reduced, often with the use of fillers.'

德•席爾瓦醫生說:“帶有淺窩的下巴一度很流行, 不過現在基本已經過時了。 一些來做整形手術的人更希望去掉自己的酒窩, 這可以通過放置填充物來實現。 ”

5. Weak or receding chin - Marilyn Monroe


A man visits the auction display of Marilyn Monroe's personal belongings in Beijing’s World Financial Centre, China, September 27, 2016. REUTERS/Jason Lee

X-rays from a cosmetic surgeon, which have surfaced since Marilyn Monroe's death show that she did have surgery to augment her weak chin early on in her career. She had cartilage implanted into her chin in 1950 - at the outset of her Hollywood career.


Dr De Silva said: 'Modern day technology in surgery has far superseded the previous techniques - a customised silicone implant offers a far superior result to what was available in 1950.'


6. Round chin - Duchess of Cambridge

6. 圓形下巴——劍橋公爵夫人/凱特王妃

This is another very popular chin shape. It is slightly less defined than the square chin. People with round chins are said to have warm and welcoming faces.


7. Long chin - Jennifer Aniston

7. 長下巴——珍妮佛•安妮斯頓

89th Academy Awards - Oscars Vanity Fair Party - Beverly Hills, California, U.S. - 26/02/17 – Actress Jennifer Aniston. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok

People with long chins are often said to be artistic and expressive.


Jennifer Aniston has a striking long chin, which Dr De Silva says really augments her facial beauty.


8. Short or narrow chin - Gwen Stefani

8. 短下巴或窄下巴——格溫•史蒂芬妮

2017 Kids' Choice Awards - Arrivals - Los Angeles, California, US, 11/3/2017 - Singer Gwen Stefani. REUTERS/Mike Blake

If you look carefully at Gwen Stefani's face, you will see that her chin is slightly shorter than her nose.


This means that her chin is slightly shorter than the artistic ideal - but it does not stop her from having a strikingly beautiful face, says Dr De Silva.




A man visits the auction display of Marilyn Monroe's personal belongings in Beijing’s World Financial Centre, China, September 27, 2016. REUTERS/Jason Lee

X-rays from a cosmetic surgeon, which have surfaced since Marilyn Monroe's death show that she did have surgery to augment her weak chin early on in her career. She had cartilage implanted into her chin in 1950 - at the outset of her Hollywood career.


Dr De Silva said: 'Modern day technology in surgery has far superseded the previous techniques - a customised silicone implant offers a far superior result to what was available in 1950.'


6. Round chin - Duchess of Cambridge

6. 圓形下巴——劍橋公爵夫人/凱特王妃

This is another very popular chin shape. It is slightly less defined than the square chin. People with round chins are said to have warm and welcoming faces.


7. Long chin - Jennifer Aniston

7. 長下巴——珍妮佛•安妮斯頓

89th Academy Awards - Oscars Vanity Fair Party - Beverly Hills, California, U.S. - 26/02/17 – Actress Jennifer Aniston. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok

People with long chins are often said to be artistic and expressive.


Jennifer Aniston has a striking long chin, which Dr De Silva says really augments her facial beauty.


8. Short or narrow chin - Gwen Stefani

8. 短下巴或窄下巴——格溫•史蒂芬妮

2017 Kids' Choice Awards - Arrivals - Los Angeles, California, US, 11/3/2017 - Singer Gwen Stefani. REUTERS/Mike Blake

If you look carefully at Gwen Stefani's face, you will see that her chin is slightly shorter than her nose.


This means that her chin is slightly shorter than the artistic ideal - but it does not stop her from having a strikingly beautiful face, says Dr De Silva.




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