

中國網浪潮資訊 近日, 浙江媒體首次披露“百名紅通人員”頭號嫌犯楊秀珠落網始末。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, the whole story of how Yang Xiuzhu, number one of "China's top 100 fugitives" being caught is disclosured for the first time.

楊秀珠, 浙江省建設廳原副廳長, 海外潛逃13年零7個月, 輾轉香港、新加坡、義大利、法國、荷蘭、加拿大、美國等7個國家和地區, 於2016年11月回國投案自首。 這也是中國中央追逃辦追回的第37位“全球通緝百名外逃人員”。 2014年, 中央追逃辦將楊秀珠案列為掛牌督辦頭號案件。

Yang Xiuzhu, the former deputy director of Department of Construction of Zhejiang Province, returned to China and turned herself in to the authorities in November, 2016, after her escaping to as many as seven countries and regions, Hongkong, Singapore, Italy, France, Netherlands, Canada and America, who is also the 37th "worldwide wanted 100 fugitives" caught by China central office of hunting for those fled abroad and recovering ill-gotten gains. The case of Yang Xiuzhu was been listed the number one supervised and handled by this office.

2003年4月, 因楊秀珠的弟弟、溫州鐵路房地產開發公司副總楊某涉嫌受賄被查, 楊秀珠一行4人出逃海外。

In April, 2003, Yang Xiuzhu and other three fled oversea as her brother, Yang, the vice president of Wenzhou Railway and Real Estate Development Corporation, was being investigated because of suspected bribery.

同年6月, 浙江省檢察院以涉嫌貪污罪對楊秀珠立案偵查, 同日決定逮捕;7月, 通過國際刑警組織對楊秀珠發佈國際紅色通緝令。

In June of the same year, the People's Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province placed the case of Yang Xiuzhu on file for investigation and prosecution on suspicion of graft, and on the same day they also made a decision on arresting her. In July, the international red notice towards Yang Xiuzhu was published viaInternational Criminal Police Organization(Interpol).

2005年5月, 楊秀珠因非法居留被荷蘭警方扣留, 申請“政治避難”被駁回。 2014年, 楊秀珠逃往美國, 卻因“違法簽證規定”被美方拘捕。

In May, 2005, Yang Xiuzhu was detained by Netherlands police for her unlawful stay and residence, whose application for "political asylum" was also rejected. In 2014, she fled to America while also being arrested by American police for her "illegal visa requirements".

2016年6月, 楊秀珠從新澤西州哈德遜郡懲戒中心被轉移至德州休斯頓移民監獄;一個月後請求撤銷“避難”申請,


In June, 2016, Yang Xiuzhu was transmitted from corrections center in Hudson County, New Jersey to immigration prison in Houston, Texas. A month later, she asked to repeal her application for "asylum" and requested to return to China to surrender.

浙江省追逃辦稱, 楊秀珠案是近年來最艱巨、最複雜的境外追逃案件, 也是浙江追逃追贓工作的重要成果之一。

According to Zhejiang office of hunting for those fled abroad and recovering ill-gotten gains, the case of Yang Xiuzhu is one of the most formidable as well as the most complex case of international manhunt, which is also one of the major achievements of their works, which is hunting for those who have fled abroad along with recovering ill-gotten gains.

截至目前, 浙江已成功追回由浙江負責追逃的8名“百名紅通人員”中的3名, 中央追逃辦掛牌督辦的35名浙江外逃的黨員和國家工作人員已追回20名,

一批涉嫌經濟等領域犯罪的外逃人員也被陸續追回;此外, 從2013年起, 浙江一直保持外逃黨員和國家工作人員“零增長”。

Up to now, Zhejiang relevant office has already successfully caught three of the eight people of "China's top 100 fugitives" whom are charged by them and 20 among 35 escaping party members and national staff have been caught via supervision and handling of China central office of hunting for those fled abroad and recovering ill-gotten gains, along with a batch of economic and other fugitives have also been caught.one by one. Besides, Zhejiang is a province with "zero increase" of escaping party members and national staff since 2013.

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