

IEPlat資訊5月26日報導 據白俄羅斯通訊社5月24日消息, 白俄羅斯能源部與中國機械設備工程股份有限公司(CMEC)日前簽署一份電力工程方面的合作備忘錄, 雙方將就發電、輸配電、電廠升級、新能源發電等領域展開合作, 分享各自成功案例。

消息提到, CMEC已作為總承包商在白俄羅斯負責過幾個重要的電力專案, 包括Bereza 電廠427MW聯合迴圈燃氣輪機項目、Lukoml電廠427MW聯合迴圈燃氣輪機項目、中白工業園“巨石”110kV變電站項目等, 且測試證明各項工程參數都符合相關合同要求。 目前, 該公司正在積極推進高美爾廢熱發電廠專案, 具體內容包括一台35MW聯合迴圈燃機、一套25MW燃氣輪機機組、一台廢熱鍋爐等, 世界銀行為專案提供貸款。


Belarusian Energy Ministry, Chinese CMEC ink cooperation memorandum

MINSK, 24 May (BelTA) – The Belarusian Energy Ministry and China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) have signed a memorandum of cooperation in power engineering, the Ministry's representatives told BelTA.

The sides will cooperate in such priority areas as generation of electricity and heating energy, transmission and distribution of electricity, modernization of power plants, and alternative energy projects. The sides will also share the best practices.

The source reminded that CMEC had implemented several important power engineering projects in Belarus as a general contractor. For instance, the Chinese company has built two 427MW combined-cycle gas turbines at the Bereza and Lukoml state district power plants and a 110kV substation in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone. Testing has confirmed that the facilities meet the parameters set by the contracts.

China Machinery Engineering Corporation is now finishing the investment project to reconstruct Gomel cogeneration plant No.1. The project involves building a 35MW combined-cycle gas turbine, installing a 25MW gas-turbine unit as well as a waste heat boiler and a steam turbine. The project is financed using a World Bank loan.


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