

我們年複一日的工作, 很多時候卻看不到什麼長足的進步, 總是有一種被困住、沒有辦法前行的感覺。 我們看著周圍的朋友、同事好像都在不停的進步, 自己卻好像沒有任何的改變。

如果你也是如此, 那你需要學會運用5小時定律了。 很多世界知名人士, 包括比爾蓋茨、奧普拉、紮克伯格都使用過5小時定律, 這一簡單的定律可以幫助你從平凡走向成功。

讓我們來看一下5小時定律究竟是什麼, 以及如何把它應用到我們的生活中。

Spend 5 Hours A Week On Deliberate Learning


The 5-hour rule involves spending five hours a week, or one hour each working day, focused on deliberate learning. This means setting aside time to give your full attention to learning and development, without getting distracted by other work. This learning can take different forms and a mix of these will give you the most well-rounded experience.

5小時定律包括每週留出5小時, 或是每個工作日空出1個小時的時間來專注學習。 你必須預留出1個小時的時間, 全身心的投入到學習和自我提升上, 這意味著在此之間, 你不可以被任何事打擾。 你可以採取不同的形式來施行這一方法, 它會帶給你豐富多彩的體驗。



Reading is a habit of many highly successful people and is an easy and convenient way to learn. Try keeping a book in your bag at all times and setting yourself up with reading goals each week. You could aim to read a chapter a day or a certain number of books each month. The wide availability of eBooks makes reading on almost any topic possible wherever you are. Bill Gates is a famous advocate of reading and reads around 50 books each year, crediting it as one of the main ways that he learns.

閱讀是很多成功人士都有的一個習慣, 而且是特別容易學習並上手的習慣。 試著隨時隨地在自己包裡裝一本書, 每週給自己設立一個閱讀目標, 或者你也可以給自己設個“每天看一章”或是“每月具體讀多少本書”的目標。 廣泛的應用電子書可以讓你隨時隨地閱讀任何類型的文章。

比爾蓋茨就是一個特別喜歡閱讀的人, 他把讀書當做學習的主要途徑, 每年大約讀50本左右。



Reflection is a key part of learning. Trying to consume too much information without reflecting on it can lead you to feel overwhelmed and prevents you from picking up new skills. It's important that your reflection time is structured, or you could get distracted. Try keeping a journal, which will allow you to reflect on what you've learned through reading. It will also give you the chance to think about lessons you've recently learned during work and develop ideas you have for the future.

反思是學習過程中關鍵的一步。 吸收了太多的資訊而沒有進行適當的反思會讓你有一種不堪重負的感覺, 在你學習其他新技能方面也是一種阻礙。

此外, 有組織有結構的反思也是很重要的, 不然你很容易分心。 學著做筆記, 這樣你可以時時查看自己在閱讀的過程中到底學了些什麼;記筆記還可以説明你總結最近在工作中的收穫, 開發你的新創意。



Experimentation is essential if you want to progress in life. Set aside some time each week to test out new theories or ideas, no matter how crazy they are. Some of the most successful products in the world have come about as a result of experimentation. Innovation never comes from doing the same thing over and over. Even if your experiment fails, you'll have learned valuable lessons.


不斷的嘗試是必不可少的。 每週給自己留出一些時間去試驗一些新的觀點或理論, 不管它們看起來多不可思議。 許多世界知名的產品都是不斷試驗的結果。 重複的做同樣的事情是不可能帶來創新的。 即便你嘗試失敗, 也能從中得到寶貴的經驗。

Don't Confuse Working With Learning


It's easy to confuse working with learning, and this is how you can end up feeling stuck. You might think that working for 40 hours a week should be enough for you to see improvement, but that's rarely the case. While you're focused on day-to-day problems, you're not giving yourself time to develop and grow. The 5-hour rule is about deliberate learning, not about going to work everyday and hoping you might learn something. Set yourself specific learning goals and give yourself time to achieve them, and you'll see a vast amount of improvement.


Focus On Improvement, Not Just Productivity


You might believe that the more productive you are, the more successful you'll be. Productivity plays a role in success, but it's nothing without lifelong learning. If you're constantly focused on your current work, rather than on long-term self-improvement, you'll never see much development. It can be hard to allow yourself five hours a week for learning that doesn't come with an immediate reward, but you'll thank yourself for it in the long run. Try to look beyond your daily paycheck and dedicate time to becoming the best possible version of yourself instead.




It's easy to confuse working with learning, and this is how you can end up feeling stuck. You might think that working for 40 hours a week should be enough for you to see improvement, but that's rarely the case. While you're focused on day-to-day problems, you're not giving yourself time to develop and grow. The 5-hour rule is about deliberate learning, not about going to work everyday and hoping you might learn something. Set yourself specific learning goals and give yourself time to achieve them, and you'll see a vast amount of improvement.


Focus On Improvement, Not Just Productivity


You might believe that the more productive you are, the more successful you'll be. Productivity plays a role in success, but it's nothing without lifelong learning. If you're constantly focused on your current work, rather than on long-term self-improvement, you'll never see much development. It can be hard to allow yourself five hours a week for learning that doesn't come with an immediate reward, but you'll thank yourself for it in the long run. Try to look beyond your daily paycheck and dedicate time to becoming the best possible version of yourself instead.




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