

5月25日, 北約峰會在比利時布魯塞爾召開, 首次以美國總統身份參加峰會的特朗普自然成為了媒體和網友關注的焦點。

The NATO summit was held in Brussels, Belgium. All the media and netizens paid attention to Donald Trump, who attended this summit as American president for the first time.


在這些“第一夫人”中, 出現了唯一的一名男性。

Let's check out this picture of "The first lady". There is the only male was there.

他叫迪斯特奈(Gauthier Destenay, 是盧森堡總理貝特(Xavier Bettel)的同性配偶。

His name is Gauthier Destenay, the Interdependent Partner of Luxembourg's prime minister Xavier Bettel.

早在2008年的時候, Xavier在還沒當首相的時就在一檔電視節目中公開了自己的同性戀身份, 儘管這可以能會影響他的仕途, 但他並不想隱瞞。

Back to 2008, when Xavier was not the prime minister, he said that he is a gay in one TV program. He didn't want to hide even though it maybe affect his career.

2015年1月1日, 同性戀婚姻終於在盧森堡合法化。

不管怎樣, 這次迪斯特奈跟隨盧森堡總理貝特出席北約峰會, 並落落大方出現在“第一夫人團”中, 讓很多網友都覺得很棒。

Anyway, Gauthier Destenay attened the NATO summit with Xavier Bettel and showed up as one of the first lady.Everyone accepted him and said it's awesome.

Gauthier出現在“第一夫人團”中, 讓很多網友都眼前一亮, 覺得有點可愛, 對此網友也是很激動~~

好了, 今天的英語學習就到這裡了, 大家對這件事有什麼看法也可以積極留言哦, see u next time!

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