

The opportunity is fleeting, you must use every drop of sweat to fight, to believe that you will get more, fate will succumb to your efforts.

機會稍縱即逝, 要用每一滴汗水去爭取, 要堅信你會得到更多, 堅信不懈的努力會讓命運低頭。

I'm proud of you!


If you win the silver medal then either today or tomorrow people will forget you. But you'll become an example if you win the gold medal ... and examples are given, you don't forget them.

拿了銀牌, 人們遲早會忘記你。 但是拿了金牌, 你就是榜樣。 人們永遠不會忘記榜樣。

Dad can't protect you from time to time. Dad is only responsible for teaching you to fight, and finally you have to conquer your fears and save yourself.

爸爸不能時刻保護著你, 爸爸只負責教你戰鬥, 最後你要戰勝自己的恐懼,


Medalist don't grow on trees ... you have to nurture them ... with love, with hard work, with dedication.

金牌得主不會從天而降, 必須用熱愛、刻苦和投入來培養他們。

Even a rhinoceros applies strength ... but a tiger applies strength and technique, both ... we should become a tiger and not a rhinoceros.

犀牛力大無窮...但老虎能同時運用力量和技巧。 我們要成為老虎而非犀牛。

No one supports you to get a medal ... but when you don't win a medal then everyone curses you.

沒有人支持你去奪獎牌, 但如果你贏不了獎牌, 所有人都會詛咒你。

Before you fight you need to fight with your fear.

戰鬥之前, 你需要戰勝自己的恐懼。

What didn’t occur to me is that gold is gold, whether a boy wins it or a girl.

我之前沒想到的是, 金牌誰都可以奪得, 男孩可以, 女孩也可以。

By building your body you don't become a wrestler ... wrestling is something that's in the blood.


There are only two minutes in a single round ... but if you come to think of it, there are 120 seconds in two minutes ... wait for that one second when your opponent makes a mistake.


Always respect your motherland ... because the amount of respect you give to your motherland ... you'll get that much respect from your motherland.


By building your body you don't become a wrestler ... wrestling is something that's in the blood.


There are only two minutes in a single round ... but if you come to think of it, there are 120 seconds in two minutes ... wait for that one second when your opponent makes a mistake.


Always respect your motherland ... because the amount of respect you give to your motherland ... you'll get that much respect from your motherland.


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