

每年的夏秋之季都是都是美國留學簽證高峰期, 很多留學生都想知道簽證官會問到什麼問題,

因為留學簽證要用英文和簽證官交流, 要是因為緊張回答不好拒簽, 就太可惜了。 下面我們就來

說一說留學簽證常見面簽問題!提前知道從容面對, 順利拿到美國留學簽證。

第一個面簽問題:What will you study in the United States?

回答:I will study for my Ph.D in Mathematics in the University of Florida. 這個就是簽證官最容易問到的問題

你去美國幹什麼。 簡潔扼要的回答。

第二個面簽問題:What is your major?

回答:My major of undergraduate and graduate study is Applied Mathematics. I will continue to study Mathematics for my Ph.D. in the University of Florida. My specified field of study will be Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling. 這個簽證官主要問要去學什麼, 敏感的專業容易導致拒簽(比如學習航空航太), 還有不太重要的專業簽證官也會拒簽你(不如學表演)。

第三個面簽問題:When/where did you get your BS/MS?

回答:I got my Bachelor's degree in 1997 from Central University for Nationality. I will get my Master's degree in Mathematics in few days from Beijing Normal University.這個主要問你, 你在中國哪裡學習, 對現有的學位的提問, 如實回答。

第四個面簽問題:What/where are you studying now?

回答:I am now studying for my Master's degree in Mathematics in Beijing Normal University。 簽證看主要想看看你對你申請的學校瞭解嗎?去哪裡學習。 學校位址回答不出來, 簽證官就會懷疑你的目的是不是去學習。

第五個問題:Have you gotten any scholarship?

回答:Yes. I have gotten teaching assistantship from the department這個是對獎學金的提問, 一般中國留學生都會申請獎學金。

第六個問題:What do you do with your work for BS/MS/Phd?

回答:I will take courses, teaching, do research,and finish my thesis in the area of Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling to get my Ph.d in Mathematics in 5 years. 這個主要是對你的學習計畫提問, 美國簽證一般要求你要有規劃的學習。

第七個問題:Why do you choose this Univ.?

回答:Firstly, University of Florida is one of famous universities in USA.There are large of numbers ofexcellent mathematicians in University of Florida. Secondly, the Department of Mathematics at University of Florida offers broad program in Mathematical Sciences, particularly in Applied Mathematics. There is an excellent mathematics faculty. Among the faculty are one Fields Medallist and a winner of the Moscow Prize, two of the most prestigious awards in the field of Mathematics Science. Thirdly, student can get careful advising and individual attention。 這個問題簽證官都要提問, 你為什麼選擇這個學校,


第八個問題:What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

回答::I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling and finish my Ph.D study in Mathematics in the University of florida.Then I will come back to China and do research in thelaboratory at Beijing Normal University. There are many theoretical subjects and practical projects supported by government and companies.這個就是簽證官試探你, 學業完成怎麼計畫的。 一般面簽的時候都要拿上學習計畫和歸國計畫信。

第九個問題:What is the difficult class do you have?

回答:Probably Function Analysis. It is a course about advanced mathematics and requires high ability in abstract thinking and high technique in computation。 因為美國人知道我們中國自我生存能力不如他們, 想著你到美國遇到困難怎麼辦?這個是老美的異想天開。 就舉例說明 我已經離開爸媽在中國另外一個城市讀書好幾年了, 我自己可以照顧自己和客服困難。

第十個問題:What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

回答:They are not difference. Both of my undergraduate study and graduate study belong to mathematics. Just that my graduate study will be more detailed and advanced. And that I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling, which is a sub-area of Mathematics.這個主要是考慮你在那邊不適應這個專業或者會不會換別的專業。 可以瞭解一下其他專業。

除了面簽問題, 美國F1留學生面簽的時候材料很重要, 其中容易忘記的材料有:






材料帶不全可能會讓補交, 耽誤申請人時間

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