
南京女生在美國波士頓大學的畢業演講 驚豔了美國

中國國際教育網訊:最近, 各大頭條被“南京姑娘蔡語婧在美國波士頓大學的畢業演講”刷了屏。 故事情節到底是怎麼的呢?下面就隨著中國國際教育網小編一起來看看吧~

蔡語靖, 來自南京, 是美國波士頓大學2017年的畢業生, 取得了數學金融科學的碩士學位。

在長約7分鐘的演講裡, 蔡語婧首先介紹她的家鄉——南京, 出國留學也不忘國, 獲得了眾多吃瓜群眾的一致好評。



隨後她提到, 在她眼裡, 出國留學, 更多意味著接觸多元化的群體;

美國並不代表著完美的自由, 在這裡她也會因為捍衛自己的信念得到懷疑和厭惡;


但這些都是暫時或者不重要的, 在這種環境中, 培養出的擁抱文化多元的能力才是受益一生的。

那麼, 這位南京姑娘眼中的美國波士頓大學到底是一所怎樣的大學呢?


波士頓大學((Boston University),

簡稱為BU, 創校於1839年, 是美國一所歷史悠久的頂尖私立大學, 同時也是全美第三大私立大學。 波士頓大學在全球有著一流的學術聲譽, 綜合排名一直處於世界前50和北美前40。 2016 US NEWS最新全球排名為32位。

波士頓大學在2012年成為美國大學協會(北美最頂級的62所大學)成員, 昵稱為“波士頓小狗”(寵物狗Terrier亦是該校標誌之一)。 2013年, 波士頓大學成為愛國者聯盟 (僅次於常春藤聯盟)成員之一。

該校有兩萬九千八百多名學生, 來自于全美五十個州及一百二十五個國家, 海外學生總數約四千七百人。 波士頓大學位於波士頓市中心, 與哈佛大學、麻省理工等學院著名院校隔河相對, 學校計有15個學院, 採取國際化、多元化的管理經營方式, 它吸引了來自世界各地的學生, 使波士頓大學成為一個著名的世界文化交流的學府,素有“學生天堂”之美名。



US NEWS Best Global Universities Rankings 2015-2016 全球大學排名 第32名。

US NEWS Best Global Universities Rankings 2014-2015 全球大學排名 第37名。







《金融時報》則把商學院列為全美29 全球56。



2016年US NEWS 美國大學 第41位。

2015年US NEWS 美國大學 第42位。

2014年US NEWS 美國大學 第41位。









College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 21

Listening: 18

College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 25

Listening: 21



6、SAT Reasoning test 1770-2050 (50%)











IELTS:7.0【工程學院、公共衛生學院:6.0;教育學院:6.5(對外英語教學7.0);社會服務學院:6.5;科學與藝術研究院、管理學院、法學院* 法學碩士:7.0】



College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 21

Listening: 18

College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 25

Listening: 21



Greetings! Friends, family, faculty and staff. Welcome to Boston University on such a beautiful Friday night.


My name is Yujing Cai, and I am a graduate from the Master of Mathematical Finance program. I come from Nanjing, China, one of the oldest cities in the world. Right now, my family is sitting somewhere over there. They travelled, literally across half of the world to see their baby girl graduate and talk in a language they don’t understand. Therefore, I am tremendously honored to share my perspective of 6 years at the Questrom School of Business.

我的名字是蔡語婧,我碩士畢業于數學金融專業。我來自中國南京,世界上最古老的城市之一。現在,我的家人坐在那裡。他們旅行跨越了半個地球來看他們的寶貝女兒畢業,並用他們不明白的語言演講。因此,我非常榮幸能夠在此分享我在Questrom 商學院六年的感悟。

One of the things I always enjoyed doing while waiting for classes was looking at the different country flags in our atrium.Sometimes my friends and I even have silly competitions going on to see who knew more flags, and it often amazed me how many different cultures and nationalities are represented in our community.


In a community, so diverse, mutual understanding doesn’t come easily, so I tried hard to be adaptive from the beginning. Soon, I found myself adjusting to the bigger food portion, and railways in the middle of the road. I even tried fortunes cookies for the first time in my life! Soon, I felt so content with this progress and I gradually built a cozy nest with people of my culture, my age, and who thought and acted exactly like I did. Why bother talking to anyone else? The coursework and job-hunting were already so tiring, and meeting people outside my circle just seemed so scary and unnecessary.

在這樣一個多元化的群體裡,相互理解並不容易,所以我從一開始就努力地讓自己適應。很快,我發現自己適應了這裡更大的食量,和馬路正中間的鐵路。我甚至人生中第一次品嘗了幸運餅乾!(幸運餅乾Fortune Cookie: 美式中餐館提供的打開後有祝福紙條的餅乾)很快,我滿足于自己的進步,於是我逐漸建立一個充滿了與我的文化背景,年齡相仿的人的舒適的窩。他們的所思所想都與我相似,我又何必再和任何其他人交流?學校的課業和找工作的過程已經讓人疲憊不堪,跨出我自己的圈子去和其他人交往看起來是那麼的不必要甚至可怕。

Then one day something changed. It was a normal school day, and I was in the atrium looking at the flags as always. I saw that the flag of China was surrounded nicely by the flags of Canada, Chile, Colombia, and DR Congo, and suddenly it struck me that I didn’t know anyone of those nationalities. What a waste it was for me to ignore the diversity of experience and opinions that the Questrom community had to offer! I was determined to change, but it wasn’t easy:

而這一天一切改變了。這是一個正常的上課日,我一如既往地在大廳裡看著不同的國旗。我看到中國的國旗被加拿大,智利,哥倫比亞和剛果民主共和國的國旗很好看地包圍著,突然間我驚覺到我並不認識任何這些國籍的人。我意識到,忽略Questrom 這樣多元化群體提供給我的多樣的經驗和觀點是多大的浪費!我決心要改變,但這並不容易:

I experienced the awkwardness of having to explain a joke that no one understood, the nervousness of asking questions about other cultures that seemed so obvious and silly, and the anger of defending my beliefs only to get suspicion and aloofness in return. Fortunately, these discomforts weresoon taken over by things like the amusement of teaching my classmates to pronounce my last name, Cai, using a part of their tongue that they didn’t know existed, the excitement of promoting our Math Finance culture awareness events in the Questrom Graduate Council, the satisfactionof knowing all the secret authentic restaurants around Boston and the astonishment of seeing the world and myself in a way that I could never have imaged before.

我經歷了不得不解釋一個沒有人理解的笑話的尷尬,對於別的文化提出問題但擔心問題過於明顯和愚蠢的緊張感,以及捍衛我自己的信念卻只得到懷疑和厭惡時的憤怒。幸運的是,這些不舒適的感受很快就被別的事情替代了:比如當我教會我的同學們發音我的姓氏“蔡”,他們使用到了自己以前都沒注意到的小部分舌頭的時候的快樂; 當我向Questrom 研究生學生會宣傳我們金融數學項目的文化活動的時候的興奮,當我知道波士頓周圍所有最地道正宗的餐館的時候的滿足,以及當我以自己從未想像過的視角去看這個世界,和自己的時候的驚奇。

During the past 2 years of graduate school and 4 years of undergraduate before that, I have been so proud to see that our school grew fromSchool of Management to Questrom School of Business, and that our community is growing stronger and more vibrant each year, and this couldn’t have happened without the effort of everyone here to share, to inspire, and to embrace each other.

在過去兩年的研究生院和再之前四年的本科生活中,我很自豪地看到,我們的學院從管理學院成長為Questrom 商學院,而且我們的學生群體每一年都越來越強大,愈發有活力。而這樣的進步,如果沒有這裡的每個人努力地去分享,激勵和接納彼此,是不可能發生的。

Let’s now think about the future. 20 years from now, what kind of challenges are we going to face, as family members, as business owners, as human beings? Nobody knows.To cope with that amount of uncertainty, we will need a diverse set of skills and knowledge, andmost important of all, an open mind to learn. That’s why we have been so lucky to be part of the Questrom community that cultivated such freedom of an open mind.

現在我們來思考未來。 20 年後,作為家庭成員,作為企業總裁,作為人類,我們將面臨什麼樣的挑戰?沒有人知道。為了應對如此大的不確定性,我們需要儲備多樣化的技能和知識,而更重要的是,要有一顆開放和包容的思想去學習。這就是為什麼我們非常幸運地成為Questrom 群體的一部分,因為它培養了開放思想的自由。

So, congratulations, class of 2017! Forwhen you walk outside that door today, you are already equipped with one of the most critical skills to succeed in the future, the ability to embrace diversity. Thank you so much!

所以,恭喜在場的2017 屆畢業生!因為當你們今天走出那扇門時,你已經具備了未來成功的關鍵競爭力之一,即擁抱文化多樣性的能力。非常感謝!




US NEWS Best Global Universities Rankings 2015-2016 全球大學排名 第32名。

US NEWS Best Global Universities Rankings 2014-2015 全球大學排名 第37名。







《金融時報》則把商學院列為全美29 全球56。



2016年US NEWS 美國大學 第41位。

2015年US NEWS 美國大學 第42位。

2014年US NEWS 美國大學 第41位。









College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 21

Listening: 18

College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 25

Listening: 21



6、SAT Reasoning test 1770-2050 (50%)











IELTS:7.0【工程學院、公共衛生學院:6.0;教育學院:6.5(對外英語教學7.0);社會服務學院:6.5;科學與藝術研究院、管理學院、法學院* 法學碩士:7.0】



College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 21

Listening: 18

College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:

Writing: 22

Speaking: 23

Reading: 25

Listening: 21



Greetings! Friends, family, faculty and staff. Welcome to Boston University on such a beautiful Friday night.


My name is Yujing Cai, and I am a graduate from the Master of Mathematical Finance program. I come from Nanjing, China, one of the oldest cities in the world. Right now, my family is sitting somewhere over there. They travelled, literally across half of the world to see their baby girl graduate and talk in a language they don’t understand. Therefore, I am tremendously honored to share my perspective of 6 years at the Questrom School of Business.

我的名字是蔡語婧,我碩士畢業于數學金融專業。我來自中國南京,世界上最古老的城市之一。現在,我的家人坐在那裡。他們旅行跨越了半個地球來看他們的寶貝女兒畢業,並用他們不明白的語言演講。因此,我非常榮幸能夠在此分享我在Questrom 商學院六年的感悟。

One of the things I always enjoyed doing while waiting for classes was looking at the different country flags in our atrium.Sometimes my friends and I even have silly competitions going on to see who knew more flags, and it often amazed me how many different cultures and nationalities are represented in our community.


In a community, so diverse, mutual understanding doesn’t come easily, so I tried hard to be adaptive from the beginning. Soon, I found myself adjusting to the bigger food portion, and railways in the middle of the road. I even tried fortunes cookies for the first time in my life! Soon, I felt so content with this progress and I gradually built a cozy nest with people of my culture, my age, and who thought and acted exactly like I did. Why bother talking to anyone else? The coursework and job-hunting were already so tiring, and meeting people outside my circle just seemed so scary and unnecessary.

在這樣一個多元化的群體裡,相互理解並不容易,所以我從一開始就努力地讓自己適應。很快,我發現自己適應了這裡更大的食量,和馬路正中間的鐵路。我甚至人生中第一次品嘗了幸運餅乾!(幸運餅乾Fortune Cookie: 美式中餐館提供的打開後有祝福紙條的餅乾)很快,我滿足于自己的進步,於是我逐漸建立一個充滿了與我的文化背景,年齡相仿的人的舒適的窩。他們的所思所想都與我相似,我又何必再和任何其他人交流?學校的課業和找工作的過程已經讓人疲憊不堪,跨出我自己的圈子去和其他人交往看起來是那麼的不必要甚至可怕。

Then one day something changed. It was a normal school day, and I was in the atrium looking at the flags as always. I saw that the flag of China was surrounded nicely by the flags of Canada, Chile, Colombia, and DR Congo, and suddenly it struck me that I didn’t know anyone of those nationalities. What a waste it was for me to ignore the diversity of experience and opinions that the Questrom community had to offer! I was determined to change, but it wasn’t easy:

而這一天一切改變了。這是一個正常的上課日,我一如既往地在大廳裡看著不同的國旗。我看到中國的國旗被加拿大,智利,哥倫比亞和剛果民主共和國的國旗很好看地包圍著,突然間我驚覺到我並不認識任何這些國籍的人。我意識到,忽略Questrom 這樣多元化群體提供給我的多樣的經驗和觀點是多大的浪費!我決心要改變,但這並不容易:

I experienced the awkwardness of having to explain a joke that no one understood, the nervousness of asking questions about other cultures that seemed so obvious and silly, and the anger of defending my beliefs only to get suspicion and aloofness in return. Fortunately, these discomforts weresoon taken over by things like the amusement of teaching my classmates to pronounce my last name, Cai, using a part of their tongue that they didn’t know existed, the excitement of promoting our Math Finance culture awareness events in the Questrom Graduate Council, the satisfactionof knowing all the secret authentic restaurants around Boston and the astonishment of seeing the world and myself in a way that I could never have imaged before.

我經歷了不得不解釋一個沒有人理解的笑話的尷尬,對於別的文化提出問題但擔心問題過於明顯和愚蠢的緊張感,以及捍衛我自己的信念卻只得到懷疑和厭惡時的憤怒。幸運的是,這些不舒適的感受很快就被別的事情替代了:比如當我教會我的同學們發音我的姓氏“蔡”,他們使用到了自己以前都沒注意到的小部分舌頭的時候的快樂; 當我向Questrom 研究生學生會宣傳我們金融數學項目的文化活動的時候的興奮,當我知道波士頓周圍所有最地道正宗的餐館的時候的滿足,以及當我以自己從未想像過的視角去看這個世界,和自己的時候的驚奇。

During the past 2 years of graduate school and 4 years of undergraduate before that, I have been so proud to see that our school grew fromSchool of Management to Questrom School of Business, and that our community is growing stronger and more vibrant each year, and this couldn’t have happened without the effort of everyone here to share, to inspire, and to embrace each other.

在過去兩年的研究生院和再之前四年的本科生活中,我很自豪地看到,我們的學院從管理學院成長為Questrom 商學院,而且我們的學生群體每一年都越來越強大,愈發有活力。而這樣的進步,如果沒有這裡的每個人努力地去分享,激勵和接納彼此,是不可能發生的。

Let’s now think about the future. 20 years from now, what kind of challenges are we going to face, as family members, as business owners, as human beings? Nobody knows.To cope with that amount of uncertainty, we will need a diverse set of skills and knowledge, andmost important of all, an open mind to learn. That’s why we have been so lucky to be part of the Questrom community that cultivated such freedom of an open mind.

現在我們來思考未來。 20 年後,作為家庭成員,作為企業總裁,作為人類,我們將面臨什麼樣的挑戰?沒有人知道。為了應對如此大的不確定性,我們需要儲備多樣化的技能和知識,而更重要的是,要有一顆開放和包容的思想去學習。這就是為什麼我們非常幸運地成為Questrom 群體的一部分,因為它培養了開放思想的自由。

So, congratulations, class of 2017! Forwhen you walk outside that door today, you are already equipped with one of the most critical skills to succeed in the future, the ability to embrace diversity. Thank you so much!

所以,恭喜在場的2017 屆畢業生!因為當你們今天走出那扇門時,你已經具備了未來成功的關鍵競爭力之一,即擁抱文化多樣性的能力。非常感謝!

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