

French researchers have evaluated in 3 trials the effect of pelleting on the nutritional value (energy and proteins) of complete feeds for pigs.

法國研究人員檢驗了3組餵食全價飼料的公豬, 看看他們的營養(能量和蛋白質)吸收有什麼不同。

It is already known that pelleting of complete feeds does have a positive effect on performance indicators, like average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR) of piglets and growing pigs. Until now, however, only few references existed on the effects of the pelleting on individual cereals.


表現在仔豬和育肥豬的平均日增重和飼料轉化比的增加。 然而直到現在, 研究參考資料卻寥寥無幾。

The trials were conducted at the research station of Arvalis – Institut du Végétal in Villerable, France.


A better energy digestibility


The target of trials 1 and 2 was to evaluate energy digestibility for piglets and growing pigs. Of 4 tested complete feeds, based on cereals and distributed either in flour or in pellets form, 3 were composed of only 1 cereal, being wheat, barley or maize. The last one consisted of a mixture of the 3 cereals in similar proportions.

目標實驗組1和組2用於測定仔豬和育肥豬的能量消化率。 其中4只豬喂由穀粒和麵粉製成的全價飼料, 3只豬只喂一種穀物製成的飼料, 可能是小麥, 大麥或者玉米。 最後一隻餵食包含三種穀物等量混合起來的飼料。

In both trials, pelleting significantly improved energy digestibility, for both piglets as well as growing pigs.

在這兩組中, 顆粒狀飼料顯著提高了能量消化率, 在仔豬和育肥豬中都是如此。

Energy digestibility for growing pigs


The life stage of the animals was of influence, in determining whether or not pelleting made a difference. When given just after weaning, the pigs responded differently to the diets than later in the growing stage.

動物的生長階段對實驗結果也有影響。 當只給斷奶後仔豬餵食顆粒飼料時, 豬後來在育肥期的表現也是不同的。

In the barley diets, for instance, energy digestibility turned out to be significantly higher when presented in pelleted form to growing pigs. The results with piglets, on the contrary, showed that the positive effect of pelleting on feeds based on maize and barley, is not observed when the feed is presented in a mixed form (mixed form = mixture of the 3 cereals).

以大麥飼料組為例, 當給這組的育肥豬喂顆粒飼料的時候, 能量代謝率顯著地提高了。 而對於仔豬來說則相反, 當給仔豬飼喂玉米和大麥混合料的時候, 並沒有發現很好的效果。

More ileal digestibility of proteins and lysine


The aim of the 3rd trial was to evaluate the standardised ileal digestibility of proteins and amino acids of the mixture feed (25.8% of each cereal), presented in flour or pellets.


The average protein digestibility of the feed with 3 cereals, went from 83.7% to 85.9% when feed was pelleted. Pelleting also significantly improved lysine digestibility of 1.5% compared to the mixture feed in flour presentation.

實驗結果表明, 當把飼料做成顆粒狀時, 三種混合飼料的蛋白質平均吸收率從83.7%上升到了85.9%。 同時, 對比粉末狀的飼料, 顆粒狀飼料也提升了1.5%的賴氨酸代謝率。

Valorisation for amino acids


For all the amino acids, the valorisation was 88.7% in flour presentation versus 89.8% with pelleted feed. With more improvement for threonine, valine and tryptophan (+1.2%; +1.7% and +1.9% respectively) than for methionine and cysteine (+1.0%).

對於所有的氨基酸來說, 粉狀形態的飼料吸收穩定率是88.7%而顆粒狀的則是89.8%。 蘇氨酸, 纈氨酸和色氨酸分別增加了1.2%, 1.7% 和1.9% , 蛋氨酸和半胱氨酸則增加了1.0%。


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