
三位小將征戰世界 杭州悄然成中國網球人才搖籃

中國網浪潮資訊 日前, 來自杭州的中國16歲新星王曦雨止步2017年法國網球公開賽青少年組女子雙打半決賽。 儘管無緣決賽, 王曦雨仍是本屆法網走得最遠的中國選手。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, Wang Xiyu, a Chinese 16-year-old new star from Hangzhou, reached Women’s Doubles semifinals at the junior level of the 2017 French Open. Although missed the final, Wang Xiyu was still the Chinese player who went farthest in the French Open.

據瞭解, 王曦雨出生於2001年, 讀書時有“小李娜”之稱。 她在本屆法網青少年組的比賽中, ITF青少年排名第20位。

As known, Wang Xiyu was born in 2001. She was called “little Li Na” while studying. She was ranked 20th of ITF juniors in competitions at the junior level of the French Open.

近幾年, 中國的青少年網球運動員在世界上的成績越發耀眼。 從杭州走出的幾位小將更是早早打出了自己的名頭。 除王曦雨外, 2002年出生的王佳祺也是一名以李娜為目標的天才網球少女。 王佳琪在12歲時就在法網少年組中獲得冠軍。

In recent years, Chinese youth tennis athletes’ achievements in the world were more brilliant. The youngsters from Hangzhou have had their own titles very early. Except Wang Xiyu, Wang Jiaqi who was born in 2002 is also a genius tennis girl with the goal of Li Na. Wang Jiaqi won the championship of junior division of French Open when she was 12.

此外, ITF青少年排名世界前十的吳易昺也是一位杭州人。 在今年3月舉行的ITF15K比賽, 17歲的吳易昺成為迄今為止中國男子網壇拿到成人賽首個冠軍年紀最小的選手。

Otherwise, Wu Yibing who ranked among the top 10 of ITF Juniors also comes from Hangzhou. In ITF15K held in March this year, 17-year-old Wu Yibing became the youngest player who won the first championship of senior competition in Chinese men’s tennis up to now.

浙江當地媒體評論稱, 中國職業網球環境日漸復蘇, 這些網球小將的機會也越來越多,


Zhejiang local media said, with the revival of pro tennis’ environment in China, these tennis youngsters’ opportunities are growing. Hangzhou will gradually become the cradle for tennis talents.

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