

近日, 國際學術期刊《OncoImmunology》線上發表了浙江大學基礎醫學院來茂德教授課題為“S100A8+ stroma cells predict a good prognosis and inhibit aggressiveness in colorectal carcinoma”的研究論文。 研究發現了在結直腸癌中, 腫瘤間質存在一類S100A8陽性髓系來源的免疫相關細胞, 這類細胞在腫瘤侵襲前緣聚集, 並且密度越大結直腸癌患者五年生存狀況越好。 同時用S100A8刺激腫瘤細胞, 高濃度的S100A8刺激可以抑制腫瘤細胞的遷移侵襲, 並且部分抑制上皮間質轉化(Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, EMT)過程。 博士生黎思完成, 徐芳英老師為論文共同第一作者, 通訊作者為來茂德教授。

轉移是導致癌症患者死亡的主要原因, 而EMT是導致腫瘤細胞發生侵襲和轉移的關鍵步驟,

腫瘤芽被認為是結直腸癌中EMT的形態學表現之一。 前期課題組通過顯微微切割技術在結直腸癌組織中, 分別捕獲腫瘤芽周圍間質細胞和腫瘤主體間質細胞, 再運用生物資訊學手段分析兩類間質細胞的基因表達譜差異, 從而挖掘出S100A8基因, 該基因在腫瘤芽周圍間質的表達明顯高於腫瘤主體間質中的表達。 接著該課題組在結直腸癌組織樣本中進行免疫組織化學驗證, 發現S100A8陽性的細胞主要聚集在腫瘤侵襲前緣間質。 分析其密度和病人臨床參數以及生存的關係, 發現前緣S100A8陽性細胞密度越大, 患者發生淋巴結轉移和脈管侵犯越少, TNM分期越低, 五年生存越好。 進一步將S100A8指標和腫瘤芽指標結合,
提示S100A8陽性細胞密度越高, 腫瘤芽密度越低, 患者的五年生存越好。 體外用不同濃度梯度S100A8刺激結腸癌細胞, 高濃度S100A8刺激可以抑制腫瘤細胞的EMT、抑制遷移和侵襲。

該課題探討了腫瘤微環境在結直腸癌轉移和預後中的作用, 為結直腸癌患者的預後評估和治療提供了新的依據。


S100A8+ stroma Cells predict a good prognosis and inhibit aggressiveness in colorectal carcinoma


Gene microarray and bioinformatic analysis showed that S100A8 was more abundant in the stroma surrounding tumor buddings (TBs) than in the stromasurrounding primary tumor cells in colorectal carcinomas. Here, S100A8+ cells in 419 colorectal carcinoma samples were stained by immunohistochemistry and counted using Image-pro plus 6.0. TBs were also counted and biomarkers associated with the epithelial–mesenchymal transition and apoptosis were assessed by immunohistochemistry. We evaluated the association between S100A8+ cells and clinico-pathological variables as well as survival. Migration and invasion as well as biomarkers of the epithelial–mesenchymal transition and apoptosis were tested in CRC cells, treated with graded concentrations of recombinant human S100A8protein.

作者:來茂德 點擊:次

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