


推薦:亞盤 潘田喜悅 +1

日職聯第15輪比賽, 作為主隊出戰的浦和紅鑽一定是想要贏得一場勝利的。 不過這樣的好勝心也許讓市場低估了潘田喜悅的實力。 客隊上一輪戰勝了聯賽第3的大阪鋼巴, 而且並不是因為運氣好。 球隊表現出的實力, 足以讓球迷相信, 他們的主隊可以戰勝任何造訪的球隊, 尤其是在球隊前鋒川又堅碁的帶領下, 球隊3-0戰勝大阪鋼巴, 他個人貢獻2射1傳。

我們相信客隊可以在主隊的場地製造麻煩, 即使主隊獲得了勝利, 有亞盤1球在手, 十分值得投資。

Urawa Reds - Jubilo Iwata (J-League)

18th/June 10:30 BST


The 15th game in the Japanese Premier League brings the host team absolutely favourite to obtain a triumph here, over the 11th on the league, Jubilo. But this favouritism in the market, underrates massively the visitants, a team capable to beat in their last fixture the current third in the league (Gamba Osaka) and it was not just because they had a lucky day, their performance fascinated the fans showing enough abilities to scare any team in the league, especially inspired by the striker Kengo Kawamata (age 27) that smashed Gamba with two goals and one assistance. (Jubilo 3-0 Gamba).

I believe Jubilo Iwata will bring a rocky spot to put in big troubles the home win, and even if they manage to get victory here, it won’t be easy, with a handicap +1 as the biggest value.

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