
2017 萬豪國際大中華區商務委員會 “為愛奔跑”慈善跑

2017 萬豪國際大中華區商務委員會


2017 Marriott Greater China Business Councils

“Run for Love”Charity Event


2017年6月1日至11日, 萬豪國際集團大中華區商務委員會聯手國際公益組織“微笑行動”(Operation Smile), 以“我要跑”APP為平臺, 發起“為愛奔跑 Run For Love”慈善跑活動, 號召員工與公眾一同加入奔跑行列, 幫助貧困唇齶裂患兒的求醫之路。 因為每一步, 都能讓孩子們離微笑更近一步。

From June 1 to 11,the Marriott Greater China Business Councils joined Operation Smile, aworld-wide known charity organization, for co-launching the “Run for Love” Charity Event based onthe platform of “We Run” APP. During thecampaign, four councils (East China, South China, North China and Central WestChina) have matched running miles with 1:1 donations to Operation Smile as transportationfees for children with cleft lip or cleft palate in China.The campaign not only involvedMarriott employees, but also participated by caregiversfrom each community.

活動期間, 中國北區、東區、南區及中西區商務委員會開展了跑步里程競賽, 跑步里程1:1兌換為唇齶裂兒童的求醫路費;每奔跑一公里, 萬豪商務委員會即可將向中華兒慈會微笑行動專項基金捐贈一元善款,


Run For LOVE

中國每年有約2.5萬-3萬名唇齶裂新生兒誕生, 也有無數的患者與手術失之交臂。 微笑行動持續開展救治工作35年, 遇到過太多這樣的家庭, 他們並非因為手術條件的匱乏, 亦不是因為醫療救助的缺位, 而是因為缺少走出大山, 走進醫院的交通費。 在我們提供過的義診中, 實際報名人數與最後到場接受手術的人數總是存在差距, 很多人離微笑的距離, 其實只是路費而已。

借此機會, 萬豪國際集團大中華區商務委員希望喚起公眾對那些苦於路費而放棄手術的唇齶裂患兒的關注, 並幫助他們重新綻放微笑。 此舉不僅是“微笑行動”成立35周年的慶祝活動之一, 亦是萬豪國際集團大中華區商委會對於萬豪服務精神的承諾。


自6月1日起, “為愛奔跑“共覆蓋全國23個省份的97個城市, 共有9,364名萬豪員工以及社會愛心跑者的參與, 籌集善款人名幣68,000元, 可為340位唇齶裂患兒提供手術往返路費。

Starting from June 1st, “Run for Love” campaign involved 9,364Marriott associates and volunteered care runners from 97 cities of 23provinces, raised fund RMB 68,000 which can afford 340 children’s transportationfees.


萬豪國際大中華區商委會主席潘小鶯女士表示:“多年來, 我們支援並見證了微笑行動在中國為唇齶裂兒童提供的救助。 今年雙方在國際兒童節共同發起“為愛奔跑”活動, 萬豪商務委員會希望以此為契機, 呼籲更多人關注這個項目以及唇齶裂兒童。 2017年也是萬豪國際集團成立的90周年,

這意味著萬豪的服務精神傳遞了90年, 我們相信:攜手共進能夠為更多孩子帶去微笑。 ”

Angela Pan, Chair of Marriott Worldwide BusinessCouncils Greater China stated, “For years, we have supported and witnessed theenormous help that Operation Smile has provided for children with cleft lip orcleft palate in China. This year, on Children’s Day, we initiated the “Run forLove” campaign, the Council hopes to draw more attention from the public tothis particular project as well as to children with cleft lip or cleft palate.Additionally, 2017 is also Marriott’s 90th anniversary, marking theorganization’s 90 years of continual “Spirit to Serve Our Community”. I’mconfident that, through such collaborative efforts, we will see smiles on morechildren’s faces.”


Marriott North China Business Council Team


Marriott East China Business Council Team


Marriott South China Business Council Team


Marriott Central West China Business

Council Team


萬豪國際(納斯達克股票代碼:MAR)集團總部總部位於美國馬里蘭州貝塞斯達,在124多個國家和地區擁有超過6,100家酒店,包括直接經營酒店、特許經營酒店和授權分時度假酒店,並擁有30個領先的酒店品牌。萬豪國際還運營屢獲殊榮的客戶忠誠計畫:包括麗思卡爾頓禮賞(TheRitz-Carlton Rewards®)在內的萬豪禮賞(Marriott Rewards®)及SPG俱樂部(Starwood Preferred Guest®)。垂詢更多資訊,請訪問官網www.marriott.com。如需隨時掌握萬豪國際最新動態,可訪問網上新聞中心www.marriottnewscenter.com,或在社交媒體上關注@MarriottIntl。萬豪國際集團大中華區商務委員會

萬豪國際集團在全球擁有超過82個商務委員會, 在大中華地區設立4個商委會于中國東區,中國南區,中國北區以及中國中西區, 其中包括11個分會。商委會覆蓋大中華區82個城市268家酒店,代表萬豪旗下16個酒店品牌。“在萬豪,我們相信經營之道與經營之業同等重要”,大中華區商委會旨在傳承萬豪文化,實現商業共贏,發起活動傳遞服務社區精神,創造作為全球最大酒店集團的核心優勢。

MarriottInternational, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses aportfolio of more than 6,100 properties in 30 leading hotel brands spanning 124countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licensesvacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company also operatesaward-winning loyalty programs: Marriott Rewards®, which includes TheRitz-Carlton Rewards®, and Starwood Preferred Guest®. For moreinformation, please visit our website at www.marriott.com,and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com. Inaddition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntlon Twitter and Instagram.

Marriott Greater China Business Councils

MarriottInternational has more than 82 Business Councils worldwide. In Greater Chinaregion, there are 4 Business councils (East China, South China, North China andCentral West China) include 11 sub-councils, representing 268 properties in 16 brandsacross 82 cities. “AtMarriott we believe how we do business is as important as the business we do”,the Councils demonstrate Marriott culture, work together on mutual businessinterests and participate in activities that engage our associates, benefit ourcommunities and create competitive advantage as the world’s largest hotel company.


Marriott Central West China Business

Council Team


萬豪國際(納斯達克股票代碼:MAR)集團總部總部位於美國馬里蘭州貝塞斯達,在124多個國家和地區擁有超過6,100家酒店,包括直接經營酒店、特許經營酒店和授權分時度假酒店,並擁有30個領先的酒店品牌。萬豪國際還運營屢獲殊榮的客戶忠誠計畫:包括麗思卡爾頓禮賞(TheRitz-Carlton Rewards®)在內的萬豪禮賞(Marriott Rewards®)及SPG俱樂部(Starwood Preferred Guest®)。垂詢更多資訊,請訪問官網www.marriott.com。如需隨時掌握萬豪國際最新動態,可訪問網上新聞中心www.marriottnewscenter.com,或在社交媒體上關注@MarriottIntl。萬豪國際集團大中華區商務委員會

萬豪國際集團在全球擁有超過82個商務委員會, 在大中華地區設立4個商委會于中國東區,中國南區,中國北區以及中國中西區, 其中包括11個分會。商委會覆蓋大中華區82個城市268家酒店,代表萬豪旗下16個酒店品牌。“在萬豪,我們相信經營之道與經營之業同等重要”,大中華區商委會旨在傳承萬豪文化,實現商業共贏,發起活動傳遞服務社區精神,創造作為全球最大酒店集團的核心優勢。

MarriottInternational, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses aportfolio of more than 6,100 properties in 30 leading hotel brands spanning 124countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licensesvacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company also operatesaward-winning loyalty programs: Marriott Rewards®, which includes TheRitz-Carlton Rewards®, and Starwood Preferred Guest®. For moreinformation, please visit our website at www.marriott.com,and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com. Inaddition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntlon Twitter and Instagram.

Marriott Greater China Business Councils

MarriottInternational has more than 82 Business Councils worldwide. In Greater Chinaregion, there are 4 Business councils (East China, South China, North China andCentral West China) include 11 sub-councils, representing 268 properties in 16 brandsacross 82 cities. “AtMarriott we believe how we do business is as important as the business we do”,the Councils demonstrate Marriott culture, work together on mutual businessinterests and participate in activities that engage our associates, benefit ourcommunities and create competitive advantage as the world’s largest hotel company.

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