

巴西柔術起初是一種扭鬥的武術, 它的技術和策略都基於對地面打鬥的深入研究。 柔術練習者, 擅長將對手拖向地面, 然後在地面上獲得控制的姿勢。 一旦形成控制姿勢, 柔術練習者可以使用關節技、絞技或擊打技術等多種攻擊手段, 將對手制服。 視頻為三角絞教學。



首先控制對手的兩條手, 將對手右胳膊懟向他的胃部, 右腳踏在對手的左胯上, 接著將左腿纏在對手的脖子上, 即刻將右腳鉤在左腳上, 形成三角鎖。

不讓對手被夾住的那條手臂伸直, 因為那樣他就可以保持呼吸, 要把他的手臂折回去。 左手去扳住對手的大腿以阻止對手站立起來, 如果對手站起來, 他就有方法逃脫。 左手抓住對手的大腿, 然後右手按住對手的頭部, 雙大腿施加力量, 完成三角絞。

三角絞的主要發力點是兩條大腿的肌肉群, 切斷了對手頸動脈的輸血管道, 形成絞殺。


This is a Triangle Choke from the guard. A very, very popular choke in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

I’ve got control of both sleeves, and I’m simply gonna stuff his arm into his stomach, and throw my leg over. Boom. Foot on the hip here. The other leg goes across his neck. So it’s like we’re getting rid of this arm. Look, boom, and right there. The straighter I put that on the back of his neck the easier it is to lock my triangle.

I do not let this hand open, because now he can breath. Okay, I put it across. I keep everything tucked in here. I grab his leg to anchor and also to stop him from standing. Because if he starts standing it’s one of the ways for him to defend. So I keep that leg, I grab his head, and I squeeze.

Your choke is coming from the pressure here and the pressure here. Those are the big muscles doing the work. All this is just extra security, this extra security. But the work has been done by the 2 thighs cutting off the flow of blood to the uh, through the carotid artery to the brain here, and you got the choke.


巴博斯(Babs Olusanmokun), 泛美柔術黑帶大師賽冠軍。

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