

充滿“魔性”的西瓜裙最近在社交媒體風靡。 人們把西瓜切成裙子的形狀, 利用巧妙的角度拍攝身穿西瓜裙的照片, 並上傳到網上。 這個夏天, 穿上一件西瓜裙也可以美美噠。 看上去是不是還挺涼快的?

Less painful than the ice bucket challenge and more flattering than the no make-up selfie, the watermelon dress is the latest photo craze to hit social media.

沒有冰桶挑戰那麼痛苦, 比素顏自拍更討人喜歡, 西瓜裙最近在社交媒體掀起新的曬照風潮。

All you need to partake is a watermelon, a cutting utensil and a cheery pose-assuming you already have the phone and the Instagram account.

你分享照片所需要的只是一片西瓜, 一把切西瓜的刀具, 和一個愉快的造型, 前提是你已經有了手機和Ins帳戶。

Fans of the #watermelondress hashtag have been showing off their handiwork, carving couture frocks out of the green and red tropical fruit. And thanks to a little perspective, the illusion somehow works.

#西瓜裙"主題標籤的粉絲們在網上曬出他們的手工作品, 他們用西瓜切出裙子的形狀, 借助視覺角度, 讓照片顯示出錯覺效果。

How does it work? Simple...the person charged with taking the photo simply holds the tiny juicy dress - cut from the skin and flesh of the fruit - close to the lens to create the illusion that the person in the background is wearing it.


讓它距離鏡頭近一些, 看起來背景中的人物就好像穿著西瓜裙一樣。

There are snaps of babies gurgling in what looks like a pink smock, men wearing full A-line skirts and ladies looking lovely in off-the-shoulder numbers.

網上曬出的照片中, 有的嬰兒就好像穿著一件粉罩衫, 有的男性就好像穿了一件A字裙, 還有的女性穿上露肩西瓜裙看上去美美的。

The genius of the watermelon dress appears to be the fact that the fruit's green skin makes a perfect hemline, and the easily-cut flesh can be shaped as you desire, with sharp lines and soft edges both popular.

西瓜裙的奧妙在於, 綠色的瓜皮可以作為完美的裙邊, 而且瓜瓤很容易切成任何你想要的形狀, 硬朗的線條和柔和的曲線都很流行。

It isn't clear where exactly the trend began but it looks set to be the must-have snap of the summer, which is likely to be music to the ears of greengrocers everywhere.

西瓜裙何時開始風靡起來尚不得而知, 但似乎將成為這個夏天的必備曬照樣式, 這對各地的蔬菜水果商販來說可真是個好消息。

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