







Drink’s For The Best Night's Sleep Ever

By Pedro Marcondes Figueiredo Vasconcelos

Before building a warm nest full off pillows, considering how many hours we spend sleeping in life, it might be overdue time for an upgrade.You may think that your night-time routine isn't affecting your sleep patterns, but guess again. To be sure you're drinking beverages that are going to help you out with your night travel with wonderful sleep.

Check out these recommendations that will help curb late-night cravings.

把枕頭堆成堆準備睡一個舒服覺之前, 想想我們這一生中花在睡覺上的時間吧,

現在再講提升睡眠品質可能有點為時已晚。 雖然你可能覺得睡前幹嗎並不會影響睡眠, 其實不然。 別的不說, 我的建議是一定要確保你喝的飲料能夠幫你睡個好覺。


While all teas moments can be rewarded, certain caffeine-free are scientifically proven as the best for naturally relaxing. Some of the best herbal tea to drink are; valerian, passion flower, chamomile or peppermint.Just grab some lavender and chamomile tea to promote your sense of calm and helping you relieve the stress before sleep.


科學證明不含咖啡因的茶是放鬆的最佳選擇。 比如一些草本茶:纈草、百香果花、洋甘菊或薄荷。 薰衣草和洋甘菊茶可以讓你平靜下來, 並能幫助你緩解睡眠前的壓力。

Lots of juices like orange have a high sugar content that's going to keep you up and health moving during the day. The exception to the rule comes in the form of tart cherry juice. Go an extra mile, add a drop or two of vanilla. Cherry juice actually contains tons of melatonin, and Vanilla can provide aromatherapy benefits. Which can assist you in getting some much-needed rest, and help you doze off.

像橙汁這種含糖量高的果汁能讓你在白天精力充沛。 不過酸櫻桃汁例外,

你稍微加工一下會更好, 在裡面加一兩滴香草。 櫻桃汁裡含有大量褪黑素, 香草則起到芳香療法的作用, 這些都能快速激發你的睡意, 並讓你的睡眠獲得事半功倍的效果。

Why not treat yourself with a combination of warm milk, honey, and a sprinkling of nutmeg is the key into excellent sources of tryptophan. An amino-acid that is converted to melatonin and serotonin, the good news is that both of them are to induce sleep. Perhaps it also makes us travel back to our days of infancy, and therefore it makes us sleep like a baby.

溫牛奶和蜂蜜, 再灑一些肉豆蔻, 這個組合富含色氨酸。 因為氨基酸被轉化成了褪黑素和5-羥色胺,

會有安神功效。 它們可能會帶我們穿越回到小時候, 睡得像嬰兒一樣。

However, I just can't resist of open a bottle of a full-bodied wine, blessing my self with the company of some of my favorite writers and turn on some soft jazz, on these days in going out with Thelonious Monk. My ritual has the power to free my mind and start calm me down in a nostalgic way to makes me “Sleep like a Master”.

其實對我個人而言, 什麼都比不上打開一瓶醇厚的紅酒, 和最喜歡的作家為伍, 爵士樂走起來, 比如聽聽文章開頭Thelonious Monk的音樂, 這段時間我一直聽這個。 我覺得這種“儀式”給我思想以自由,

並以一種懷舊的方式讓我平靜, 讓我這個“試睡大師”睡得真能像個大師。


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