
抗日戰爭中 浙江失去了多少?

How much did Zhejiang lost in Eight-year War of Resistance Against Japan

中國網浪潮資訊 今天, 是七七事件八十周年的日子, 它是中華民族抗日戰爭的開端。 中國的抗日戰爭是二戰中最漫長、血腥的衝突之一。 它破壞了土地, 但也使中國人民團結起來, 不分政治派別。

CNCAO NEWS Today is the 80th anniversary of the July Seven Events. It is the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan, which is one of the most protracted and bloody conflicts of World War II. The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1937-45) ravaged the land, but also united the Chinese, irrespective of political affiliation.

“賜旗一面, 時刻隨身, 傷時拭血, 死後裹身”。 這些話來自于王建堂的父親寫的一封信, 他在兒子于1937年12月去前線參戰的時候送給他一塊寫有這些字的白旗。 後來, 王建堂的腿受了傷時將它用作繃帶。

This flag I give you,keep it always by your side,for it can wipe your blood while you are still alive,and wrap your body upon your death. Those words are from a poem in a letter written by Wang Jiantang's father on a piece of white cloth that he gave to his son as the young man left for the front lines of war in December 1937. It later served as a bandage when Wang sustained leg injuries.

在浙江, 八年抗戰, 各縣房屋損毀732900餘間, 農業損失耕牛超過10萬頭, 公有糧食損失245萬石, 而減少產糧約在56億石。 工業損失3924080萬元

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