

中國網浪潮資訊 記者從日前舉行的“侵華日軍在浙江細菌戰罪行展”上獲悉, 浙江是抗日戰爭時期侵華日軍細菌戰的重災區, 受侵害長達9年, 涉及杭州、寧波、衢州、金華等8個市, 約30個縣, 死亡約6萬人, 受傷數十萬人。

CNCAO NEWS Journalist knew from the recent "Exhibition of Japanese invaders in Zhejiang on bacteriological warfare crimes" that Zhejiang was the harder-hit area of the Germ Warfare Launched by Japanese Aggressors in China during the period of the Eight-year War of Resistance Against Japan with being infringed as long as nine years involving eight cities including Hangzhou, Ningbo, Quzhou and Jinhua along with about 30 counties. The death toll was about 60,000 and hundreds of thousands of people were injured.

據悉, 本次展覽共展出65位日軍細菌戰炭疽、鼻疽、鼠疫、霍亂受害倖存者的照片和悲慘遭遇口述及史料照片160多幅, 展出日軍細菌戰實物、受害者實物、出版物等共100多件。

It is said that there are over 160 photos of 65 survivors suffering from anthrax and glanders, plague, cholera in the Germ Warfare Launched by Japanese Aggressors along with the dictation of their tragic experience on the exhibition displaying more than 100 actual materials of the Germ Warfare Launched by Japanese Aggressors, victims as well as publications.

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