
趣味英語|春風十裡去郊遊 旅行類話題素材都在這裡!

初春的料峭已過, 迎來了陽光明媚的日子。

美好的天氣就該出遊有木有!說起出行方式, 現代人最喜歡的恐怕非自駕游莫屬啦~不過出門在外, 有麼有什麼需要去注意的地方呢?跟著環球小編一起去看看, 然後出門享受春天吧!

About the car

既然都已經是自駕遊了, 那麼開什麼車當然就是最重要的事情啦!開豪車游川藏線……這種不靠譜的事情各位烤鴨還是不要幹了, 好好挑選一輛靠譜的高底盤越野或者SUV, 做好保養之後再開上路啦~在開車之前, 一定要注意打開車前蓋, 仔細檢查:

Check under the hood. Are there any leaks? Are the battery terminals clean? Does the drive belt look worn out? If the belt appears cracked or glazed, have it replaced before the trip. Check all the fluids. Start with the engine oil, then comes the transmission fluid, the engine coolant, the battery, the air filter and other items under the hood.

About the journey

在開始遊覽之前, 我們要對自己的旅行進行一個系列的規劃, 包括敲定路線, 時間, 景點, 等等。 如果是和小夥伴們約好了一同出去玩耍, 那麼一定要使用小組會議的形式讓大家都進行投票決定, 如果開到半路上再為到底應該怎麼玩, 怎麼吃而產生爭吵或者分歧, 那就真的囧大啦~

List what will go in your suitcase and make another list of things you need to do before the trip. This can include getting a car tune-up, or washing/waxing/cleaning the car. This will help you be less stressed since everything is written on paper, and you will be less likely to forget something.

About preparations

不打無準備的仗, 更不能不做準備就出門~無論是長途還是短途旅行, 尤其有時候會全家出動, 還有不少烤鴨家中會帶上小朋友一起出門, 所以在這種“特殊時刻”, 更需要一再檢查是否已經準備好了自己的全部所需:充電器, 移動wifi, 小朋友需要的各項用品等等,

雖然帶上人民幣可以買到自己想要的, 但是還是有些時候, 千金難買心頭好丫!

Make sure you have everything you need, including things to entertain you or young children. If you have a portable Ipad or Ipod, make sure everything is set up in the car the night before, as it will save time later. Charge your electronics. Even if you have a car charger, it will be easier to sit back with your phone than being tangled with a cord.

其實旅行類的話題在雅思考試尤其是口語中也可謂是屢見不鮮, 而這次環球小編和大家分享了如何進行準備, 這些準備內容和邏輯在考試之中也可以對你有所幫助哦~

比如考官可能會問你Do you like travelling?

你當然可以簡單的回答一句Yes I do. 或者你也可以告訴考官你很喜歡旅行, 因為旅行不僅可以看見不同的風景, 還可鍛煉我們自己, 因為比如在旅行之前, 有很多東西需要準備:you have to do a lot of preparation things before the journey such as ……

在這裡, 環球小編還為大家準備了幾個和旅行類有關的口語話題, 大家不妨試試看自己能不能說出來哦~

1. Do you think there are different types of tourists?

2. What kinds of places do Chinese people prefer to visit?

3. Besides natural scenery, what other things do tourists like to see or do?

4. Most people think that natural scenery is more attractive than modern buildings. Why do you think they feel this way?

英語在於平時的積累, 小編還會帶來日常有趣味的英語素材哦~敬請期待~

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