

What do you think of when you hear the word 'grammar'? Does it make you think of complicated textbooks, difficult exercises and boring lessons?

當你聽到“語法”這個詞時, 你會怎麼想?它會讓你想到複雜的課本、困難的練習和枯燥的課程嗎?

For many English learners, the answer is 'yes'.

對許多英語學習者來說, 答案是“是”。

Some English learners even tell me "I don't need grammar," or "I don't want to study grammar."

一些英語學習者甚至告訴我“我不需要語法”, 或者“我不想學語法”。

I'll share some advice to make it easier for you to learn and use English grammar.

我將分享一些建議, 讓你更容易地學習和使用英語語法。

1、What is grammar,

and why do you need it?



Grammar is how you organise words into a sentence. Every time you put two or more words together, you are using grammar.

語法就是你如何把單詞組織成一個句子。 每次你把兩個或兩個以上的單詞加在一起, 你就在使用語法。

Every time you listen to someone speak, your brain uses grammar to understand the meaning.

每次你聽別人說話, 你的大腦就會用語法來理解這個意思。

From these examples, I hope you can see that grammar is not something abstract or complicated.

從這些示例中, 我希望你可以看到語法不是抽象的或複雜的。

We all use grammar, all day, every day, every time we speak to someone. There's no way to learn a language without thinking about grammar.

我們都在使用語法, 每天, 每一天, 每次我們和某人說話。 不考慮語法就不可能學習一門語言。

2、Learning grammar:

form vs. Function



To use a grammar point (for example, the present simple verb tense), what do you need to know? In general, to use any grammar correctly, you need to know two things:

要使用語法點(例如, 當前的簡單動詞時態), 你需要知道什麼?一般來說, 要正確地使用任何語法, 你需要知道兩件事:

• The form: how to use the words in a sentence

• The function: what meaning(s) the grammar expresses



For example, to form the present simple, you need to know several things:

例如, 要想形成現在的簡單, 你需要知道以下幾點:

• How to make positive sentences for different persons (I, you, he, we, etc.)

• When to add 's' or 'es' to the verb

• How to make negative sentences

• How to make questions

如何為不同的人(我, 你, 他, 我們等等)造肯定句?




However, forming the grammar doesn't tell you how to use it.

然而, 形成語法並不能告訴你如何使用它。

You also need to think about the function of a grammar point: what meanings can it express? The present simple can be used to express many different meanings, including regular actions, facts, or future events on a timetable.


包括定期的行動, 事實, 或者在時間表上的未來事件。

3、Learning grammar:

theory vs. Practice



When studying grammar, you also need a balance between theory and practice. You need to understand the rules, but you also need to spend time practising them and using them.

在學習語法時, 你也需要在理論和實踐之間找到平衡。 需要瞭解規則, 但是也需要花費時間來練習和使用它們。

For example, studying rules, reading about grammar, or doing simple exercises are theoretical.

例如, 學習規則、閱讀語法或做簡單的練習都是理論上的。

Making your own sentences using a grammar point, doing more complicated exercises, or using a grammar point in a conversation or written English are practical.

用語法點來做自己的句子, 做更複雜的練習, 或者在談話或書面英語中使用語法點是很實際的。

4、Learning grammar:

the full picture



Now we can see the full picture: you need to understand the form and the function of a grammar point in theory, and you also need to practise both, by doing exercises, making your own sentences, speaking and so on.

現在我們可以看到完整的畫面:你需要理解語法點的形式和功能, 你也需要練習, 通過做練習, 做你自己的句子, 說話等等。

This might seem simple, but the reason why many English learners find grammar difficult is that they focus too much on one area, and not enough on others.

這看起來似乎很簡單, 但許多英語學習者發現語法困難的原因是他們過於關注某一領域, 而忽視了其他方面。

5、Practical advice


Finally, let's look at some simple, practical suggestions you can use when studying grammar:

最後, 讓我們來看看一些簡單實用的建議, 你可以在學習語法時使用。

• Always try to find real-life examples of what you are studying. Don't just read notes in a grammar book—the practical side of grammar is very important.

總是試著找到你正在學習的真實的例子。 不要只是在語法書裡讀注釋, 語法的實際作用是非常重要的。

• Remember: understanding a grammar point and being able to use it are separate things. Just because you understand some grammar rules and can do some simple exercises, this doesn't mean you 'know' the grammar point.

記住:理解一個語法點並且能夠使用它是兩碼事。 僅僅因為你理解了一些語法規則並且可以做一些簡單的練習, 這並不意味著你就知道了語法點。

• Try to make your grammar study as practical as possible. Writing your own sentence is better than reading a sentence which someone else wrote. Using grammar in conversation is better than doing an exercise in a textbook, and so on.

儘量使你的語法學習盡可能的實用。 寫自己的句子比讀別人寫的句子要好。 在交談中使用語法比在教科書中做練習要好, 諸如此類。

• If you have difficulties with a grammar point, think about your mistakes. Are you making mistakes with the form, with the function, or with both? This can help you to study more effectively and correct your mistakes.


• When you study grammar, don't stop thinking about it when you close the textbook or leave the classroom. You don't learn grammar so that you can do exercises in a book, do you?



I hope not—you should learn grammar so that you can use it in real life. That means you also need to think about it in real life, when you're speaking or writing in English.


免費領取外教試聽課 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/lp4_pcB.htm?search=328371


• If you have difficulties with a grammar point, think about your mistakes. Are you making mistakes with the form, with the function, or with both? This can help you to study more effectively and correct your mistakes.


• When you study grammar, don't stop thinking about it when you close the textbook or leave the classroom. You don't learn grammar so that you can do exercises in a book, do you?



I hope not—you should learn grammar so that you can use it in real life. That means you also need to think about it in real life, when you're speaking or writing in English.


免費領取外教試聽課 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/lp4_pcB.htm?search=328371

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