
Nature Microbiol:美學者發現埃博拉病毒再猴子體內可持續感染

2017年7月17日, 國際學術權威刊物自然出版集團旗下子刊、微生物學領域著名期刊《Nature Microbiology》線上發表了美國馬里蘭州陸軍傳染病醫學研究所曾顯坤(音譯)研究組的一篇研究論文, 論文揭示從埃博拉病毒感染中倖存的恒河猴, 雖然不再表現出感染症狀, 體內卻檢測出持續性埃博拉病毒感染, 而這與我們人類對病毒的反應極其相似。

持續性埃博拉病毒感染, 指的是病毒持續存在于疾病康復者的某些組織(比如眼睛、大腦和睾丸)但不再表現出任何疾病症狀的現象。 2013年至2016年在西非暴發的埃博拉病毒疫情,

其規模和傳播範圍都是空前的, 自那以後, 持續性感染及其長期影響(比如失明、頭痛和關節痛)就一直是公共衛生的關注重點。

而除了長期的疾病症狀, 持續性感染還能導致新的感染——有證據顯示治癒的人仍舊可以傳播病毒。 因此, 持續性感染是一個非常嚴重的問題。 然而, 之前科學家因始終缺乏合適的動物模型, 無法研究埃博拉病毒如何在宿主體內傳播以及如何在倖存者中持續感染。

研究團隊發現, 埃博拉病毒通過血管傳播, 並能從在埃博拉病毒感染中倖存且不再表現感染症狀的恒河猴的眼睛、大腦及睾丸中檢測出來。 在眼睛中, 病毒潛伏期間可能就存在於巨噬細胞表面。 團隊還發現, 持續性病毒感染出現在接受試驗性抗病毒藥物治療的猴子中,

表明這些可能的醫學治療方案, 或已不能完全清除埃博拉病毒感染。

研究人員表示, 本次以恒河猴為物件的試驗模型, 能為研究持續感染的埃博拉病毒及相關長期影響提供基礎, 並將有利於開發新的治療方法。



Ebola virus (EBOV) persistence in asymptomatic humans and Ebola virus disease (EVD) sequelae have emerged as significant public health concerns since the 2013–2016 EVD outbreak in Western Africa. Until now, studying how EBOV disseminates into and persists in immune-privileged sites was impossible due to the absence of a suitable animal model. Here, we detect persistent EBOV replication coinciding with systematic inflammatory responses in otherwise asymptomatic rhesus monkeys that had survived infection in the absence of or after treatment with candidate medical countermeasures. We document progressive EBOV dissemination into the eyes, brain and testes through vascular structures, similar to observations in humans. We identify CD68+ cells (macrophages/monocytes) as the cryptic EBOV reservoir cells in the vitreous humour and its immediately adjacent tissue, in the tubular lumina of the epididymides, and in foci of histiocytic inflammation in the brain, but not in organs typically affected during acute infection. In conclusion, our data suggest that persistent EBOV infection in rhesus monkeys could serve as a model for persistent EBOV infection in humans, and we demonstrate that promising candidate medical countermeasures may not completely clear EBOV infection. A rhesus monkey model may lay the foundation to study EVD sequelae and to develop therapies to abolish EBOV persistence.

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