

中國網浪潮新聞 近日, 由浙江員警組隊的中國赴南蘇丹維和警隊成功參與處置了一起重大武裝劫持人質案件。 北京時間7月24日, 這支警隊的警隊長韋益毅及警員張群向記者還原了案件經過。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, the Chinese Peace-keeping Force which including polices from Zhejiang have solved an serious kidnapping case in south sultan. On July 24th Beijing time, Wei Yiyi and Zhangqun the captain and police of this Zhejiang polices force, told the process of this case.

6月30日上午, 正在聯合國3號難民營外從事挖井作業的Universal hydro公司9名工人被7名不明身份的武裝分子劫持。 其中1人在綁架過程中趁亂逃入灌木叢林中並來到聯合國營區報案。

On the morning of June 30, 9 staffs of Universal hydro company were hijacked by 7 armed gunman and unidentified when these staffs were digging the well around refugee camp NO.3 . One of the survivor escaped into the bush then re-ported the whole case to United Nationals barracks.

接到報警後, 聯合國南蘇丹特派團朱巴戰區指揮部啟動緊急應急預案, 多個相關部門參與案件偵破工作。 來自浙江員警學院的韋益毅作為總部防暴隊行動支援官、來自浙江海寧市公安局的張群作為員警部門的行動與報告辦公室隊長,


After receiving the report, the command of Juba zone of United Nations Mission in South Sudan lunched the reserve plan the first time and were in the process of resolving this case with relevant department. As the captain of swat team, Wei Yiyi ,who graduated from Zhejiang Police College, directly involved in this case with Zhang qun, who comes from bureau of public security in Haining city Zhejiang province as the captain of active and report office of police department.

經過多日與綁匪鬥智鬥勇, 7月2日上午8時所有人質均成功獲救。 至此, 朱巴戰區2017年首個特大人質劫持案件順利告破。

After had the battles with criminal through force and wisdom way, all hostages were safe on the morning of July 2. With this , the 2017 first momentous kidnapping case in Zhuba area have been solved.


中國赴南蘇丹維和警隊發揮重要作用, 警隊長韋益毅始終堅守在總部防暴隊支援指揮辦公室, 並帶領盧旺達防暴隊與衣索比亞步兵營在難民營周界及武器禁區開展搜捕、道路、封控行動。 隊員張群作為朱巴戰區行動和報告辦公室的代表, 承擔整個過程的會議記錄及總結報告工作, 同時作為文龍的助理, 代替文龍向員警部門發佈各種命令。

The Chinese Peace-keeping Force for south sultan played a important role in this progress. Wei was responsible for commanding the team as well as leading Rwandan riot squad and battalion of Ethiopia to raid and control the road around both refugee camp and weapon-forbidden area. Zhang, who as a representative of active and report office of Zhuba area, was responsible for recording and reporting the progress and barking out orders to police department instead of Wen long.

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