

Which chocolate brand is considered the most premium in the world?世界上最好的巧克力品牌是什麼


說到“最好的”巧克力, 每個人的標準可能都不一樣吧。 不過, 如果放到quora上, 那一條答案的點贊率應該還是能說明一些問題的。

這裡列舉的巧克力品牌並不都能在國內買到, 不過3個回答裡都提到的 Lindt 倒是可以網購到。 順帶一提, 這正好是英語君最喜歡的平價巧克力。

獲得8000好評的回答@Yannick Meyer,

The most premium chocolate is made in Connecticut. 最優質的巧克力是康乃狄克製造的。

Knipschildt Chocolatier was founded in 1999 by Fritz Knipschildt, who began his culinary journey as a chef in Odense, Denmark. The most-expensive chocolate he sells–a $250 dark chocolate truffle with a French black truffle inside–is available only on a preorder-only basis. It’s made of 70% Valrhona cacao, which is blended into a creamy ganache with truffle oil.Knipschildt巧克力製造商是由Fritz Knipschildt在1999創辦成立的,

他的美食之旅是從在丹麥的歐登塞當廚師開始的。 最貴的巧克力售價高達250美元, 這款巧克力僅接受預定。 外表是黑巧克力松露, 中間融入了法式黑松露。 由70%法芙娜可哥融合松露油和奶油醬製成。

There are only three brands you should buy, any other chocolate isn't famous in switzerland: 在瑞士只有三個品牌值得買, 其他的巧克力都不出名

Lindt & Spüngli瑞士蓮·史賓利

Chocolat Frey飛瑞爾


Swiss chocolate is made to have a good consistence in a temper climate, and if you buy swiss chocolate made in a hotter environment they will have many more additives which will also have an impact on the taste. 瑞士巧克力在溫和的氣候下具有良好的堅固性, 如果你購買瑞士巧克力是在更熱的環境中製成的, 它們會加入更多的添加劑, 這也會影響口感。

獲得5800好評的回答@James Biswas,

According to Bloomberg report below list of chocolatiers are considered as premium. 據彭博社報導, 下麵的巧克力是最好的。

♦ Lindt & Sprüngli瑞士蓮史賓利

♦ Ghirardelli 吉爾德利

♦ Guylian吉利蓮

♦Perugina 佩魯吉娜

♦Ethel's Chocolate艾瑟爾

♦Richart 理查特

♦La Maison du Chocolat 梅森巧克力

♦ NOKA Chocolate 諾卡

♦Neuhaus 諾好事

獲得1600好評的回答@Trishana Kashyap,

Lindt, One of the premium Chocolate瑞士蓮是最好的巧克力之一

I have heard about the Lindt Chocolates in India, these are very famous. So, if you are thinking to gift someone anywhere in India or Worldwide as well then go for this.我聽說瑞士蓮原產地是印度,這款巧克力非常的有名。所以,如果你想送禮,無論是在印度還是在全世界,都可以送瑞士蓮。


♦Perugina 佩魯吉娜

♦Ethel's Chocolate艾瑟爾

♦Richart 理查特

♦La Maison du Chocolat 梅森巧克力

♦ NOKA Chocolate 諾卡

♦Neuhaus 諾好事

獲得1600好評的回答@Trishana Kashyap,

Lindt, One of the premium Chocolate瑞士蓮是最好的巧克力之一

I have heard about the Lindt Chocolates in India, these are very famous. So, if you are thinking to gift someone anywhere in India or Worldwide as well then go for this.我聽說瑞士蓮原產地是印度,這款巧克力非常的有名。所以,如果你想送禮,無論是在印度還是在全世界,都可以送瑞士蓮。


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