

中國網浪潮資訊 阿裡巴巴集團關聯企業螞蟻金服在逐步擴大馬來西亞市場。 螞蟻金服將與當地大型金融企業聯昌國際銀行(cimb)集團共同成立合資公司, 今後馬來西亞的個人和中小企業在購物時將可以輕鬆進行電子結算。 此外, 螞蟻金服將進一步擴大結算業務在亞洲的服務範圍。

CNCAO NEWS Ant Financial, associated enterprise of Alibaba Group, is expanding its market in Malaysia step by step. Ant Financial will get a joint venture group established with the local financial enterprise, cimb, for individuals and medium-sized and small enterprises in Malaysia to get electronic clearing easily. Besides, Ant Financial will also further expand the service scope of settlement business in Asia.

據瞭解, 從去年11月馬來西亞總理納吉布來訪, 到今年3月ewtp在馬來西亞落地, 再到今年5月納吉布到杭州“考察”普惠金融, 現在, 螞蟻金服和合作夥伴又宣佈要在馬來西亞推出本地版支付寶……不到一年時間, 馬來西亞和阿裡巴巴、螞蟻金服的合作, 創造了“大馬速度”。

It is known that from the visit of Najib, the Prime Minister of Malaysia in November last year, to the launching of ewtp in Malaysia in March this year and the "investigation" of inclusive finance in Hangzhou taken by Najib in May this year, as well as the announcement of launching the local AliPay in Malaysia jointly made by Ant Financial and its cooperative partners... Within a year, the cooperation among Malaysia, Alibaba and Ant Financial have created "the speed of great Ma".

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