

中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間8月6日, 浙江小百花越劇團在紐西蘭首都威靈頓的演出吸引了近400名華僑華人和當地觀眾。

On August 6 Beijing Time, a performance held by Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe attracted nearly 400 overseas Chinese and local people in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.

中國網浪潮資訊 以越劇表演藝術家茅威濤領銜的小百花越劇團為觀眾們帶來了《梁祝•十八相送》《九斤姑娘•十隻桶》《碧玉簪•送鳳冠》《竇娥冤•斬娥》等8部經典越劇作品中的9段折子戲。

演員們精湛細膩的表演和越劇清新唯美的曲調唱腔, 讓觀眾大呼過癮。

CNCAO NEWS Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe, starring Mao Weitao, a Yue Opera performing artist, brought 9 highlights from 8 classical Yue Opera such as The Butterfly Lovers•18 phases sending, Nine Pounds of Girl•10 buckets, The Emerald Hairpin•Send rockhopper, Snow in Midsummer•Kill Dou’e. These exquisite performances and fresh and beautiful melodies of Yue Opera kept the audience fascinated.

此次 “親情中華” 浙江小百花越劇團大洋洲巡演由中國僑聯主辦。

中國僑聯文化交流部部長劉奇希望, 優美的越劇旋律能喚起當地華僑華人對家鄉的回憶、對中華文化的嚮往以及對親人的思念。

This“Embrace China” Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe Ocenaia Tour was organized by China Federation of Overseas Chinese. The Minister of the Federation of Overseas Chinese cultural exchange hope Yue Opera can evoke memories of local Overseas Chinese about their hometown and longing for Chinese culture and thoughts of their loved ones.

“親情中華”主題活動於2008年由中國僑聯啟動, 組織藝術團體赴海外進行慰問演出和文化交流。 迄今, “親情中華”藝術團已在5大洲、70多個國家、200多座城市舉行了900多場演出。

The activity themed on “embrace China”, started at 2008 by All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, organizes art groups to conduct a special performance as an expression of gratitude and cultural communication. So far, “embrace China” art group has held over 900 performances in the over 200 cities, over 70 countries and 5 continents.

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