

作為一個足球相關者, 懂一些足球英語是很有必要的:

什麼才是真正意義上的現代足球呢?其實所謂現代足球是就是:球員擁有最好和最全面的技術, 球隊有最為先進的打法, 而且能盡可能多的取得勝利。 這就是真正意義上的現代足球。

What is a real modern football? In fact the so-called modern football is: football players have the best and most comprehensive technology, the team has the most strategy, and can win the victory as many as possible. This is a real modern football .



set the pace 掌握進攻節奏

ward off an assault 擊退一次攻勢

break up an attack 破壞一次攻勢

disorganize the defence 攪亂防守

total football 全攻全守足球戰術

open football 拉開的足球戰術

off-side trap 越位戰術

wing play 邊鋒戰術

time wasting tactics 拖延戰術

4-3-3 formation 433陣型

4-4-2 formation 442陣型

beat the offside trap 反越位成功

foul 犯規

technical foul 技術犯規

break loose 擺脫

control the midfield 控制中場

set a wall 築人牆

close-marking defence 盯人防守


half-time interval 中場休息

round robin 循環賽

group round robin 小組循環賽

extra time 加時賽

elimination match 淘汰賽

injury time 傷停補時

golden goal / sudden death 金球制, 突然死亡法

eighth-final 八分之一決賽

quarterfinal 四分之一決賽

semi-final 半決賽

final match 決賽

preliminary match 預賽

one-sided game 一邊倒的比賽

competition regulations 比賽條例

disqualification 取消比賽資格

match ban 禁賽命令

doping test 藥檢

draw / sortition 抽籤

send a player off 判罰出場

red card 紅牌

yellow card 黃牌

goal 球門, 進球數

draw 平局

goal drought 進球荒

ranking 排名(名次)

close-marking defence 盯人防守

Nice shot! Great pass! Thumping challenge!


Finish it! Nice touch. Go on my son!

加油!親愛的寶貝, 踢得不錯!

Get stuck in! Oi ref! You need glasses!


Oh come on! My grandma could have scored that! I feel as sick as a parrot. It’s a game of two halves.

天哪, 加油!我的外婆都可以得分。 我快氣炸了, 這是兩個半場的比賽。

it was the most exciting game on TV for a long time.


they scored to make it 3-2! What a match!


It was a really exciting game.


By the way, what do you think about ** Team?

順便問一下, 你認為**足球隊的水準如何?


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